The Goddess Rising Retreat has been an event I look forward to attending each time Christy offers it! This year will be my 4th event and I can’t wait! The past themes and processes have helped me step into my feminine and Goddess Self more fully. Christy creates such a safe, sacred space and I have such fond memories of deep conversations and soul connections that I have made with other Goddess Sisters and Friends. I look forward to going to an even deeper level this year with Christy and The Council of Light and the other Goddesses!
I am so Grateful for Christy Whitman’s Goddess Rising Retreats! I have had the awesome pleasure of attending 3 of them in the past and am so excited to be signed up to attend the one she is holding in May of 2020!
Much of my deepest healing and transformation has occurred during these Sacred weekends with Christy and my Goddess Sisters. At these events, I felt like I was transported to the safest place on earth to play, connect, dive deep, dance, release and awaken my inner Goddess with some of the most beautiful, likeminded women I have ever met! As I expanded and integrated all of the Love, Light and Healing Christy provided, and I made some of the sweetest soul connections with many of my Goddess Sisters. I felt loved and supported by other women and was able to heal old wounds from some of the women I had known in the past. Truly some of the most precious time I have ever been Divinely Blessed to experience!!!
Joining the Vice Freedom meditations in January set my year off to a great start. I really looked forward to the session each day and could feel my energy and mindset shifting. As I released my vices, I also released excess weight. I love the Quantum Success Meditations (which I continue to do daily), as they help me to release any stress or negativity acquired during the day and allow me to fill up on my daily dose of divine light and joyous abundance.
I am deeply grateful for learning the tools in releasing the vice. I am able to immediately shift to a better feeling place in a consistent manner. That is a “Wow” every time after the vice release. I also apply the energy work to release the block. Thank you and I appreciate you, Christy Whitman and the Council of Light. You are so awesome Master Teacher, Energy Healer, and Coach!! You have a magical touch and glow for everything!! Thanks, again!!
Going through the training program at QSCA opened my mind and heart to understand more clearly who I am and how I can serve others to know the same. Life is a miracle and we have been given the gift of choice. We can experience heaven on earth; peace, joy, affluence, love, for that is our true nature.
I am immensely grateful for the teachings I received at QSCA for it gave me a toolkit to share. As we all come to know our true selves as love, heaven becomes manifest.