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Are you beginning your self-awareness journey and want to learn more? This is for you.
Watch Your Words – Days 1-10

Christy & The Council’s PRIVATE Energy Vortex Online Community – DISCOVER Level


Discover Resource Library: Daily Quotes, Win Win Women Show, Desire Factor Podcast, 7 Essential Laws Videos


Surprise and Delights

VALUE: $97


$47/ per month
Are you ready to connect in real-time in a loving and supportive community as you go higher and deeper with spiritual messengers of Light? Look no further. This is for you.
All Discover Member Benefits PLUS:
Christy & The Council’s PRIVATE Energy Vortex Online Community ASCEND Level
Watch Your Words Continuation – Days 11-30
Quarterly Q&A with Christy & The Council
Pre-Recorded Monthly Meditation
Monthly Quantum Light Shifts (live with replay included)
BONUS: 30 Days of QS Meditations Replay Series
BONUS: Drama To Love Video 30-Day Series (receive on day 30)
Surprises and Delights
VALUE: $1,387
(Energy Vortex memberships can be month to month or receive two free months with an annual membership. You have the option to easily cancel your Energy Vortex membership with at least 2 business days notice.)



Are you beginning your self-awareness journey and want to learn more? This is for you.
Watch Your Words – Days 1-10

Christy & The Council’s PRIVATE Energy Vortex Online Community – DISCOVER Level


Discover Resource Library: Daily Quotes, Win Win Women Show, Desire Factor Podcast, 7 Essential Laws Videos


Surprise and Delights

VALUE: $97


$470/ per year
Are you ready to connect in real-time in a loving and supportive community as you go higher and deeper with spiritual messengers of Light? Look no further. This is for you.
All Discover Member Benefits PLUS:
Christy & The Council’s PRIVATE Energy Vortex Online Community ASCEND Level
Watch Your Words Continuation – Days 11-30
Quarterly Q&A with Christy & The Council
Pre-Recorded Monthly Meditation
Monthly Quantum Light Shifts (live with replay included)
BONUS: 30 Days of QS Meditations Replay Series
BONUS: Drama To Love Video 30-Day Series (receive on day 30)
Surprises and Delights
VALUE: $1,387
(Energy Vortex memberships can be month to month or receive two free months with an annual membership. You have the option to easily cancel your Energy Vortex membership with at least 2 business days notice.)
In the Energy Vortex we bring together spiritual seekers and deliberate creators to integrate energy mastery into our daily lives to apply new insights, awareness, processes, and actions as we integrate new higher frequencies/energy so that we can find pleasure in life, and experience ease, freedom, peace, and connection with aligned living within your Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success and loving and supportive relationships as we connect with like-minded people in a supportive, connected and loving community.

Discover Membership… You are starting to apply the laws of the universe and creating more of an awareness of how to deliberately design your awesome future. Join us in a ‘one stop spot’ with resources shared and taught by a master teacher and coach who has been applying these principles for 25+ years. This complimentary membership is for you if you are interested in expanding your life, as you are looking for something better or different.

Ascend Membership… This is for seekers who are passionately committed to their higher Light path. You are eager for deeper understanding of who you are with a willingness to be reminded of your power and Light. Support with processes and techniques from Christy, as well as the guidance of The Divine Quantum Council of Light.



Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.

For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.

Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.

Going Through This Experience With Christy & The Council Will Help You Activate All levels of the Energy Body To include Your Auric Field, Etheric, Celestial And Causal Bodies.

As the New York TImes Bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and the messenger for The Council speaking and mentoring us through Energy Mastery, Christy & The Council will give you an experience that no other spiritual beings have experiences while being in a human container.


In Their Own Words…

“I’m looking forward to experiencing the watch your words challenge. This group is all new to me so I am just open and curious. I’ve been on my own healing journey for a few years now and anything that helps with my expansion and growth is what I love!”


“I’m excited to be a part of the Energy Vortex community. I have wanted to have more connections to likeminded people and will look forward to creating more here as well as through QEM and Sacred Circle of Light.”


“I joined because I believe as thought comes into form through our words, it’s a responsibility to be consciously aware of the affects. Happy to be on this journey together with everyone! ”

Sally Ann

“Have been practicing watch your words all along and have seen what a difference a word makes. Also thank you all for such sincere, warm and welcoming greetings every time you are on anything. It really makes one feel like we want to be even more involved.”


“I joined the Energy Vortex group because I could use a little boost. Christy and The Council have always steered me in the right direction, I even met my new bestie in my QEM group. Looking forward to what they have up their sleeves next! Thanks for this.”


“I have learned so much from Christy and The Council over the last couple of years, and am so very grateful. I am looking forward to continuing my growth and amazing experiences with Christy and The Council and am so delighted to be a member of this wonderful, light-filled community. ”


“I was introduced to Christy through the 30 day Watch your Words program and have been hooked ever since.”


“My journey with Christy and the Council started with Watch My Words 30 day challenge November 2021. What you say affects “everything “. I have changed my words from… I have to – I choose to; I have to- I look forward to or I get to; always/never – to occasionally or somethings. Daily I’m aware of my words to help me, my loved ones , colleagues and coaching clients shift my energy and perspective . Watching my words … makes a difference in shifting my energy from lack to abundance almost immediately. I’m looking forward to sharpening my skills with the 10 day challenge! I’m enjoying this incredible journey of shining my light!!”


“Looking forward to the 10 day challenge, this is my first one. Having a 12 year old son, I’ve realized from the time he was about 3, how important my words and others are. Amazing to hear a little child mimic back some not so nice language. I still say ‘oh my goodness’ instead of ‘oh my god’, it just didn’t seem right coming from a 3 year old.”


“Very excited to join the Energy Vortex community. Appreciate Christy, the Council and you and the rest of the team putting this all together. I’ve been through WYWs twice and I love looking at the summary sheet as a reminder and to catch myself when my words feel like contrast versus abundance.”


“I am very excited about being here. To tell you the truth I just told myself that I would stop signing up for webinars and such and this came up and I couldn’t resist. I know I have changed a lot of my inner and outer dialogue but I still catch myself saying those things. Thank you Christy for your generous gift. Always a pleasure being with you. You are such a light to this planet.”


“I discovered Christy Whitman and The Council in November, and it has been and continues to be an exceptional ride. I LOVE roller coasters, and the last six months have been full of loops, twirls, and incredible hills and free-falls.

These next months are full of possibilities and more growth into who I truly am. I look forward to sharing it with my new community of light-workers and beautiful souls!”


“I look forward with great love and joy to the continuation of this remarkable series. With much appreciation . . .”


“I love all the shares. They strengthen my commitment to watch my words. It’s quite the wake up call.”


“I agree with you about the value of this program. This is my second time around and I am getting much more this time!!!”


“I’m looking forward to being a part of the Energy Vortex and “Watch Your Words 10-Day Challenge” tomorrow. Thank YOU Christy for your Love and Light; and for having ALL of US be a part of this with YOU!”


“I’m a QSCA Student from Spring 2014. Really looking forward to meeting some amazing people and to joining the watch your words challenge. Since graduating from QSCA, manifesting has become so much more blissful and I’m done with paddling upstream. However, it’s always nice to become more aware of our own thought processes by the words we choose, so that’s why I’m here. Thank you for the invite.”


“I am excited to be part of the “Watch Your Words” challenge to revisit these lessons in a group setting. I believe being in a community of like-minded souls will nurture and deepen the process.”


“I’m excited to be part of this challenge. I teach and encourage others to watch their words but sometimes need a reminder myself. This is a reset for me.”


“This is the second time i join this challenge. I love this challenge as it help me weed out the unconscious inner self talk and remind me that i can choose the kind of thought that i want to. I feel so much of freedom with the knowing that i have options and choices. I learn to choose uplifting, loving, abundance thought that make me feel good and expansion. I appreciate so much to Christy and the team for giving us this community, gather all Light minded people, sharing and supportive each other. It is so uplifting. Thank you so much!”


“I was first introduced to Christy’s work in 2014 when I completed the QSCA and I continue to grow and expand through her teachings. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to connect with more of the community! ”


“To Christy and The Council, thank you so very for creating the Watch Your Words challenges – they are full of powerful energy and powerful lessons.”


“It’s mid morning, my 9:30 am appointment had to cancel last minute. I have a long To Do List. And Christy’s email pops up with a free meditation on Self Love.

My normal response to self care is to add it to the list. Not anymore. Having experienced meditations with Christy and the Council before, I knew the 18 minutes would be worth the time spent on myself.

This is my second meditation in the The Power of Self Love and the fullness and calmness that I felt during and afterward have been, dare I say, addictive? (in a positive sense). When Christy first talked about Love and Compassion as the keys to getting out of the Drama Triangle, I was at a loss. I couldn’t feel self love or compassion. So I focused on her suggestion of wrapping myself in a warm blanket–that sensation I knew.

Today, in this second meditation on Self Love, I was able to swim in the Love Bath, to feel the love coming into and surrounding me. I was floating then submersed, able to breathe in the depth of the love.

I bought the Meditation Series on Feelings and haven’t started yet (three days now since I was gifted this fabulous opportunity). Procrastination is not one of my normal traits. I think the concept of feeling is a bit scary yet I want it. After today’s experience in the Love Bath, I am ready to begin.

Many thanks to Christy and the Council for sharing this powerful meditation.”


“Connecting the words/thoughts with the ENERGY aspect is what has made me want to go deeper. Looking forward to it all!”


“I enjoy a challenge! Words are very powerful and sometimes… they just pop out all sneaky like! Thanks for the opportunity to change our words in a delightfully positive way! I look forward each day!”


“Each lesson is really strengthening my growth. So blessings to us all. Christy your videos are spot on and are helping me to WATCH MY WORDS AND THOUGHTS. Thank you.”


“I released the energy of being anxious, tense, and with this healing, I am feeling inside a sense of calmness, relaxed, supported and loved.”


“After the meditation, I feel grounded like an anchor in mother earth. I was used to the feeling of floating, unsteady (I thought this was normal) until I did this 20 min meditation. Thank you so much Christy and The Council for your love and support.”


“I had just hiked 12 miles in the Sierra Nevada’s to Snow Valley Peak (a mixture of dirt and snow–shoulder season here) then I did my 1 hour Qigong practice. I was ready to chill and received the link for this calming meditation. Perfect timing. I snuggled on the couch with a warm blanket and let Christy and the Council walk me through the interweave of nerves that create my central nervous system. Tension flowed through my being and down and out, glittering white light filled me, replacing old with new. Thank you Christy and the Council for sharing this powerful shift with me.

In gratitude,”


“Two years ago, I decided to close my business, sell my home and give away any items I didn’t take with me and move to Arizona.

Since then, I have shifted my life and am focused on homesteading, live in a lovely home and raise a bunch of cool animals.

About a year in, I realized I made much of my decisions (selling my home and relocating away from my family) due to a lack of processing the grief of a bad divorce and lack of support from my ex in raising our son (at this point, my grief regarding this matter was ten-years old).

Then the grief shifted to regret for moving out west, selling my home and being thousands of miles away from my family. For months, I have beat myself up with gut-wrenching sorrow.

Then, I read The Desire Factor and it, along with other practices, has changed my way of thinking, my belief systems and the way I feel about each day and the decisions I’ve made leading up to this moment.

The video, Dealing with the Pain of Grief, was a subtle reminder that feeling the pain from a perspective that’s compassionate, forgiving, loving and joyful is welcomed and can provide comfort and peace moving me past the pain and into abundance.

I am blessed and honored to be living the life I live, past, present and future and know I know it.”


“The Energy Vortex: Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life In 30 Minutes. The visuals really enriched my experience today. I’m feeling so calm and peaceful.Thank you.”


Bette Wilder

“It came to my awareness after watching and reading your valuable messages. I learned that my health had not changed over five months until I saw the process of releasing anxiety combined with an unknown stressor within my body.

I found that positive affirmations and breathing’s as well as visualization of virtual reality are helpful in releasing the dilemma such as anxiety and unknown stressor! Thank you for pointing that out to me. You are such a gifted coach and healer!!”


“This was a nice reminder for me that self-worth goes along with being present and reminding me of the words I describe myself, and provide me with compassion.”


“I did not expect to be moved during this meditation but I felt like an energy moving from my stomach to my throat like something had to be released from my mouth but remained stuck. I shed some tears I felt slightly relieved.

In overall it was a beautiful experienc.”


“I’ve been working (through writing and meditation) to heal chronic pain. One writing exercise is to ask the pain what it is protecting you from. It’s a question I’ve been asking for a very long time. I realized years ago that I had a protector that was keeping me TOO safe. I’m 71 and my chronic “condition” has manifested in everything from fear of driving (esp on freeways), to generalized anxiety, lack of a strong sense of self, etc. in the past 15 years it has manifested in physical pain. It just dawned on me all the falls I took in my 40s and 50s, for no discernible reason, were also a manifestation of my protector. Wow! Glad it’s never too late! At any rate currently deal with “whack a mole” nerve and muscle pain. I GET that my brain is creating it, I get it’s protecting me but from what? I almost didn’t listen to this, but something spurred me. I’m being protected from the hostile universe I’ve inadvertently created. Early loss of my father, whom I’ve come to feel (if we’re fortunate) is meant to be our guide to the outside world, no doubt impacted this. That and I’m a Piscean empath, etc. etc. Regardless, I can choose this as my story or write a new one. This is something I’ve known for years also, but only intellectually, not as the “puzzle pieces are fitting together” heart knowledge. The Universe loves and supports me and wants me to be happy.”


“It was as if my joints had been waiting for me to find a gentle way of releasing, besides topical treatments or taking medication to ease the pain. It was as if they were Thanking me, for this gentle loving release and I am grateful to also listening to the video message.”
