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Self – Love RESET Day 1

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Self – Love RESET Day 2

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Self – Love RESET Day 3

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Self – Love RESET Day 4

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Self – Love RESET Day 5

Self-Love RESET TN

Self – Love RESET Day 6

Self-Love RESET TN

Self – Love RESET Day 7

Self-Love RESET TN

Immerse Yourself in Self-Love: A Transformative
Virtual Retreat

Deepen Your Connection to Self-Love

Have you felt the blissful embrace of self-love during our RESET? Now, it’s time to amplify that feeling and make it an integral part of your daily life.

Join Our Exclusive Virtual Retreat

Date: September 7th-8th (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 9 AM – 12 PM both days
Location: From the comfort of your home
We’re excited for you to experience this transformative journey in self-love. Join our Self-Love Retreat from the comfort of your home and let the essence of self-love become your new normal.

Self-Love Retreat (Virtual)

What to Expect
Intensive sessions with the council
In-depth teachings on self-love principles
Interactive Q&A to address your specific needs
A supportive community of like-minded individuals
Why Attend?
Elevate your self-love practice
Create a lasting shift in your energy
Connect with a community that uplifts and supports you
Give yourself the ultimate gift of love and self-care




Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.

For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.

Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.


What Others Are Saying…

“I have been working with Christy in different aspects of her business off and on for a few years now. Most recently I have done her monthly healing meditations, and it has helped me with business clarity and has helped reduce the anxiety I experience from everyday life. I love waking up in the morning to Christy’s meditations, it helps me start my day out with peace and confidence, then I can face the day on purpose and with focus. Her work has helped me tremendously in my own business both in my corporate life, as well as my own coaching business because I have learned, through her meditations, how to get in touch with my higher self and soul purpose. Christy’s work helps me down to a cellular level, she has helped me learn what my soul already knows.”

– Christine Walker

Testimonial_Jean Kathryn Carlson
“Before I started working with Christy I was stuck in a habit of feeling fatigued and distracted with streaming and playing video games on my phone. Now I recognize fatigue as a symptom that I’m feeling overwhelmed. Then, I turn to one of the many tools she taught us to shift my energy and choose an activity or task that supports my well being and abundance. I enjoyed the program two years in a row and each year I go deeper. What a great way to start the year and continue to expand and allow more brilliance into my life. Thank you, Christy.”

– Jean Kathryn Carlson

“Before working with Christy I was easily irritated by noises, comments of others and often felt stressed in my daily life when coordinating my life as a full-time working psychologist/ therapist, being a wife and a mother of 3 children and building up my coaching business. During my work with Christy I realized how I couldn’t find inner peace and how difficult it was to come back to my breathing , connecting to my body and feeling aligned. After my work with Christy, I totally changed my way of seeing and feeling myself. I feel light as a feather, relaxed and trust that everything will work out fine. I discovered that thing work out much better when I let go instead of wanting to control them. I also feel wealthy in time and with money and I got out of the blue two new coaching clients who signed coaching packages for several months! I definitely say that working with Christy has been beneficial for me in many ways!”

– Natalie Hissen

“Thank you, Christy, for all the wonderful work you do. I’ve known you for a plentiful 12+ years. I appreciate you so much for your teaching me to coach, listen, change my words, release my unwanted thoughts and deeds, memories, rules, habits, drama, and start healing. The many months of daily/weekly training that you initiated, and I said yes to, have greatly enhanced my life, my relationships, my work, my home and business, and my community.

Through all the courses and experiences you have offered, and I have said “yes! Me too”, I am inspired and in awe. I enjoy how you are always 100+ percent present in all our sessions, experiences, classes, events, and conversations. You are an aspirational leader, entrepreneur, and teacher.

I am thrilled to be part of this “Christy and the Council” community of like-minded people. As always, the material you and the Council present is fascinating, life-changing, and inspirational.

I enjoyed my Quantum Energy Mastery experiences, and very much look forward to continuing to put what I learned into practice in my life. It is a pleasure to be with you in the many ways you make available to all who say “yes,”: live, virtual, in books, and co-located.

Thank you again for your inspiring work.

Love, Light, and blessings.”

– Sarah Langston

“Christy Whitman is…by far one of the most down-to-earth, loving, transformational healers/spiritual teachers that I have worked with to date, and I have worked with a very wide variety of healers and programs. She walks the talk – which immediately creates rapport and connection because she GETS IT, it’s not a “concept” for her, but what she too has lived and evolved through – this is priceless when doing this sort of deep, deep soul work. In addition, her ability to show PRACTICAL examples of all the tools allows one to IMMEDIATELY begin to use them because you can she not only transmits knowledge but wisdom (knowledge applied), AND WOW!!!

When I started working with Christy in December, I was experiencing a lot of lower level vibration thoughts, feelings and beliefs that were ready to be brought up, processed and released, but, I was very tired, full of anxiety and frustrated with how basically unhappy I was feeling in my daily life. After working with her through December and now being a part of the Vice Freedom program, I have lost 10 pounds (without trying!), seen changes that SPONTANEOUSLY started manifesting, without me “doing” it (translation – manipulating/controlling/forcing). My whole life has been about pushing, striving, achieving and making things happen (HA!), and with Christy, I’m learning to collaborate with my life partner (my SOUL), and allow the flow of Divinity/Universal Love/Spirit to flow through and with me. I cried the first time Christy/The Council shared “life partner” as being ME…..that is the life I want, and am ready to co-create! I know I have a lot of clearing, releasing and healing to continue to do, but for the first time, my life is changing and moving in ways I never believed possible.

Finally, the level of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional integrity inherent in Christy weaves its way through the glorious tapestry of her work and creates rich depth, color, vibration and health into every moment you spend with her, YOU will be changed forever! So grateful and so blessed to be a part of her programs!”

– K. Ransom

“My deep, deep appreciation for the 30-Day Vice Challenge, and *massive* gratitude for making available the recordings as mp3s. Thank you!

I’m 3 days behind, but awaken every morning ready to bask again in this co-creative energy of Christy, the Council, and everyone else.

I LOVE Christy’s willingness to share personal examples from her life experience, and notice how that really supports my connection with and embodiment of the wisdom downloads in this (at times challenging) Time-Space Reality we’re playing in – not to mention the feeling of intimacy, in general. So helpful!

I didn’t want to jump into a new month without expressing my boundless appreciation and BIG love to her, and for her commitment to follow the Energy… and to you all on the team for helping bring it to us.”

– Sue Adams

“Dear Christy,

I so want to thank you for all the fabulous work you do and tell you how much I appreciate you. I am inspired by how you are always 100 percent present in all our classes and conversations.

You are a fabulous teacher, and I am thrilled to be part of this extensive and incredible course.

The material is fascinating and inspirational, and how you present it is excellent.

I am so enjoying the experience and very much look forward to being able to put this in practice in my Life and End of Life Doula practice.

Thank you again for all your work.

Light and blessings.”

– Tina

“Before I started working with Christy, I frequently felt anxious with a tendency towards overwhelm. During my work with Christy, however, I felt and witnessed life-changing shifts in my ability to positively master and direct my energy. I now mostly feel focused, calm and centered despite any bushwhacks that come my way and have found that I am so much more adept at staying out of drama situations. These shifts have amplified the flow and joy I am experiencing in my life and I feel so very grateful for the opportunity to work with Christy!”

– Sharon Miltiadou

“Christy Whitman is an inspirational sweet soul. I want to thank her for sharing her gifts, her wisdom and her spiritual self with me. She has helped me in so many ways. Ways that I am still learning daily and growing from. She has opened me up to so much new healing information with guidance from source. I loved the experience with Christy and the Council’s online zoom weekend event. It felt very intimate and the other ladies and I were perfectly matched as we helped support and uplift each other as we one by one healed our inner wounds. Thank you for what you do. I feel so blessed to have met you and to be on this journey at the same time. I’m sending you a big hug and lots of love and light.”

– Tonya Vaughn

“I am thankful to have found Christy and the Council. Every session resonated to the very core of my being. When I decided to take on the Vice Freedom Challenge I knew that I could use it in everyday life to rid myself of those limiting beliefs. I can now see clearly the choices that do not serve me and know I deserve better. There is no greater feeling of energy, expansion and pure Love when meditating with Christy and the Council.

Thank you for the gift you share with all those you touch.”

– Maria Arreguin


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