Quantum Energy Mastery
Creating Clarity, Confidence & Miracles In Your Life
Become The Master Of Your Life
Enjoy this free 3-part video series “5 Steps to Mastering Your Energy So You Can Create All Your Desires!”

“As this extraordinary energy mastery series draws to an end, I want to thank Christy and the Council for such life-affirming and life-enhancing instruction.”
I’m definitely not the same person I was four months ago. I’m more grounded and centered, and aware of my connection to my true Divine Partner and of my power to energetically influence and improve the four quadrants of my life (health and well-being, abundance, success, and loving relationships).
I am so blessed and so grateful to have participated and learned so much. Thank you!
These are seeds/nuggets that I know will continue to grow the rest of my life.
“2020 vision is what we desire, and this year was the perfect year to be a part of the Quantum Energy Mastery experience!”
With all of the chaos and uncertainty during this year of 2020 … The Dynamic Duo of Christy & The Council have helped assist and support me in flowing through the four months and beyond with more grace and ease than I would have thought possible. Knowing that I can create miracles in my own life through strengthening my faith portal as I co-create with my Divine Source has been a game changer for sure!! I am grateful to have the ‘playbook’ for thriving in life each and every day as it is all just energy. I am in such deep gratitude to Christy & The Council!!! Say “YES” to yourself, and you will not regret your decision to end 2020 with the tools and connections that will uplevel your life now and as you move forward.
“I have experienced an increase in clarity in my desires for all areas of my life.”
I now know I can be grateful for my current life while desiring to co-create an even better one. Contrast between what I desire and what I experience is easier to recognize and shift on a daily basis as a result of this program.
I feel grateful for my growth in all areas of my life by participating in the entire QEM program: both weekly classes and daily meditations. The constant immersion on a daily basis allowed me to make huge energy shifts and move forward during this time in the program.
I definitely recommend you consider taking the QEM class/meditation series.
“I have experienced how I´m so much more connected after working with Christy & The Council.”
I have so many more tools to use when I get disconnected and I have got so many insights about myself. I feel so much joy from being a part of the QEM program I am a new improved version of myself.
I love my life and myself in a way that I didn’t do before and I work with my true life partner and can hear the messages I get more clearly now due to all the inner work we did in the QEM program.
I´m so grateful for Christy and The Council and look forward to doing more work in the future.
“Attending Quantum Energy Mastery made me connect to a very deep and solid part of myself.”
I experience a much deeper trust in my intuition and decisions than I imagined possible as I already felt skillful in my own personal and spiritual being before joining. I recommend Christy’s coaching and teaching to anyone who is ready to claim life’s unlimited possibilities and your own pure potential. Life becomes truly magical when you learn these teachings.
“Christy Whitman is beyond greatness, no words can describe how wonderful she is.”
Before I started working with Christy I was living in a state of lack. I didn’t even realize how much I had limited my life by the little words that I was using that cut off my abundance. During my time working with Christy I have learned so many tools and techniques that have brought me to a state of allowing and remaining natural to others personalities. This is a big one for me since I have strong opinions. I have also been able to stay in peace and abundance through the meditations that are so powerful. There is so much positive reinforcement that is given that it’s so easy to follow what she teaches.
“Christy has helped me learn what my soul already knows!”
I have been working with Christy in different aspects of her business off and on for a few years now. Most recently I have done her monthly healing meditations, and it has helped me with business clarity and has helped reduce the anxiety I experience from everyday life. I love waking up in the morning to Christy’s meditations, it helps me start my day out with peace and confidence, then I can face the day on purpose and with focus. Her work has helped me tremendously in my own business both in my corporate life, as well as my own coaching business because I have learned, through her meditations, how to get in touch with my higher self and soul purpose. Christy’s work helps me down to a cellular level – she has helped me learn what my soul already knows.
“Experiencing the sudden loss of my brother was overwhelming.”
Working with Christy. and releasing it in a positive way that I’ve never experienced. Being part of this program has been life changing in all areas of my life. I have a better understanding of myself. I’m confident that moving through the process of grief was made smoother because of the QEM program. I look at life differently. I love the QEM meditations every morning and it will be part of my life. Looking forward to many more.
“The Quantum Energy Mastery program with Christy Whitman and the Council is phenomenal! My life has changed in every area as a result of this incredible experience.”
After a lifetime of covering up deep pain by self-medicating with mindless eating and shopping, I am completely free from these patterns! Not only am I free, but I do not experience any fear of relapsing. I haven’t just stopped the behavior, but rather it has been released from my mind, body and spirit by immersing myself in the work, and by receiving the incredible, intuitive healing offered by the Council. I also stopped drinking alcohol and coffee, and I began eating an organic, non GMO, mainly plant based diet. I came off of some medications, and I am beginning to lose weight.
When I started to work with Christy and the Council I was holding onto very high levels of debt. As of today I have paid it off 100%. Not by borrowing, not by shifting things around, but by paying it all off and now living debt free.
The thing that makes this program, this experience, really special, and the reason I believe it worked for me, is that Christy and the Council create a space of incredible trust and freedom of expression. This trust gave me the opportunity to go deeper than I have ever gone before into my own healing. To talk about things that have been too difficult and embarrassing to talk about with anyone else. To open up the doorway to real healing and, and to recognize the issues underneath the surface that were creating all the pain that led to self-sabotaging actions.
There is no amount of gratitude that I can express, and no dollar value that I can place on the program that equates to the value and the gifts I have received from it. It has opened me up to joyous living, better relationships, and to greater success. It has been a total blessing.
If you are ready to let go of pain, negative energy, fear and other limitations, if you are ready to dream of possibilities you may never have dreamt of before, it can happen, it does happen, it will happen for you.
I am so grateful to Christy and the Council. I recommend Quantum Energy Mastery with all my heart!
“Christy and the Council of Light gave me even more than I had dreamed I would receive from learning about energy and how it affects us on a day to day level and how to work with it to become an Energy Master.”
The classes allowed me to understand how and what exactly it is and how energy affects us on such a deep level. I loved the processes and treatments and how we can incorporate it into our lives and relationships every day. Exactly what I hoped for and so much more! The meditations allowed for further shifts and activations with Christy and the Council of Light. I’ve learned so much from all of it. I found it fascinating and of incredible value for me. Oh my gosh, I find I’m now able to move forward in a more positive and confident way, now that I understand so much more about energy and how it affects all of us – positive or negative! These classes and meditations were exactly what I was wanting to understand about energy and how I can incorporate it into my life in a practical way, every single day. Even after this “experience” with Christy and the Council of Light is over, I will be listening to the meditations and classes over again and again so I can continue using the processes and incorporating them into my life on a daily basis; as well as meditations for a deeper connection to my Divine Source….It has been a priceless experience and exactly what I wanted in order to move myself forward spiritually and as a physical human being! Christy, I cannot express to you enough has valuable of an experience this has been. It has been absolutely “enlightening”. Thank you, thank you!
“I am master of my own energy!
How can I put into words how much my life has changed since I began working with Christy Whitman? In 2015 my mother transitioned and 6 months later my husband transitioned. I felt as though my world had collapsed. And then I found Christy Whitman. I began my journey in the Quantum Success Coaching Academy in Fall 2016. Then when Christy offered 30-day meditations, I signed up for the second month they were offered in January 2017 and have being meditating every time she has offered these since that time. All of Christy’s programs that I’ve taken (QSCA, meditations, Light Body, Opening to Channel, Vice Freedom, and Sacred Circle Of Light) have helped propel me into the joyful life that I live today. I was honored to witness Christy’s first channeling of the Council Of Light and these beings are truly amazing and have helped me in more ways than I can begin to explain. I feel truly happy. I have firmly planted both feet in the boat of loving my life as it is now in this moment, and I am looking forward to a future filled with love, happiness, and joy, because Christy has taught me so very well that I am master of my own energy. Thank you so very much!
“I have experienced more flow and light in my life as a result of working with Christy and the Council of Light. I am able to see and recognize contrast more clearly.”
I have been more centered and grounded and able to hear and respond to and trust my inner guidance.
I have released all medications from my life. I no longer need antidepressants, adderall, and melatonin. I am overjoyed! My 6 year old son no longer needs melatonin gummies to help him sleep. He asks me to put lavender essential oil on his body and in his hair every night and he sleeps well. It used to take him 1 hour to fall asleep prior to giving him melatonin and now he goes right to sleep. Yay! Huge win!
I feel aligned and connected, lighter and more free. I am experiencing more awareness and presence in the moment. I have released layers and am making peace with my past. I am more open to connecting with people and have had more than 10 new friendships start or old friendships rekindled within the last 2 weeks of the program.
I am confident that my life has profoundly changed and I have shifted tremendously. My light is brighter than ever and I am able to help so many more people from a higher vibe place.
I love how committed Christy Whitman is to her clients and how held that I was in this program. Having the Council of Light to ask for guidance and help 24/7 was a huge gift! Her amazing staff are such a delight to work with and very attentive to my needs. I love the convenience of having meditations and classes to review as much as I want. The meditations plant seeds of opportunity and possibility and guide me into pure bliss!
I am divinely blessed to have been a part of this amazing experience! I have the highest praise for Christy and appreciate the shining example that she is. Love you Christy! ️
“Oh my goodness! I have been doing QEM since April, and I have experienced such tremendous shifts in my own energy/vibration and in how I interact with others and the world. Overall, I feel an overwhelming sense that “all is well” and that “I have everything that I need within me” as a result of doing this work with Christy/The Council.”
Where to begin? My dream has been to build an SEL (Social Emotional Learning) clinic. Since starting QEM, I have: a) secured an office space for my clinic; b) secured a paid summer internship to help me prepare for this journey; c) written 3 children’s books on SEL; d) found a webmaster who has created a website, email, and videos for my clinic; e) manifested more clients than I can keep up with (I am finishing a PhD, so will not fully launch the clinic for another 6-12 mos, when I am done). I also feel a general sense of ease and well-being that had not previously been my norm. In short, WOWZA!! : )
YES, YES, YES! (I would recommend this course.) It actually led me to decide to pursue the QSCA coaching certification, because I am passionate about helping others to manifest their purpose/desires and to be empowered as deliberate creators and energy masters. I am incredibly grateful to Christy and The Council! THANK YOU!!!
“To say that the Quantum Energy Mastery class has been life-changing would be an understatement.”
The transformative energy that you will receive from this experience is simply electrifying. You can feel the loving energy transmitted by the Council, even on the recordings! Being a part of the meditations alone helped me to successfully navigate the death of my grandmother; an incredibly hectic work and travel schedule and manage difficult relationships. I was super excited to join the Quantum Energy Mastery Classes when they opened up in November! This experience is truly unlike any course I have taken or book I have read. Christy’s instruction is incredibly clear, thoughtfully put together and easy to digest. The insight and interaction with the Council is phenomenal – 1:1 interaction with non-physical beings! The class both amplified and intensified the vibrational shifts compared to the meditations alone. Just a few short months after starting the classes, I was able to manifest and allow a high five-figure commission check – my highest ever!
I am truly grateful for Christy and the Council and have enjoyed every moment I have had with them and know that you will too!
“hank you so much Christy for my new ME!”
Christy Whitman is just amazing!
Working with Christy helped me release fears, old disempowering beliefs and negative energy.
As an example, before it was challenging for me to spend one week with my family as they were quickly pushing my buttons. Today I can remain centered while I am in their presence, accept them as they are and, the most important thing, being at peace, appreciating and enjoying their presence.
I also became aware of my negative self talk. If before I was saying to myself “How silly/ stupid I was!” related to something I did, today I shifted my inner talk and I say “This was a good opportunity for me to grow and learn that…”. Now I am feeling empowered and not considering myself as silly or stupid anymore. This allows me to stay calm and see new possibilities and options instead of blocking on what I did wrong. Thank you so much Christy for my new ME!
“I’d just like to start by saying how grateful I am to Christy and the Council of Light for the Quantum Energy Mastery experience!”👍🙏😃
I definitely feel a shift in my day to day living…
I’m more aware and conscious of the choices I make
my eating and drinking habits have improved
I notice subtle differences in my relationship with my husband
I practice gratitude more and now use daily affirmations
I know that the Divine is within me and only a breath away
I’ve been meditating for about 7 years but I love the guided ones from Christy and the Council and all of the insights and processes that we’ve done. I intend to start them all over again to get a deeper knowing and feel that energy connection.
I really loved the classes and that they touched on the key elements of life…some of it seemed like I already know this stuff (from a deeper part of me?) but I doubt I would have uncovered it on my own. I’m grateful that I can go back for a refresher whenever I need it!
I particularly enjoyed the Council answering the questions at the end of each class. I related to many of the questions and appreciated the answers/guidance/healings that they provided.
Part of me will miss the weekly class and learnings but I feel that I’m ready to continue to practice all I’ve learned…by staying aligned, and activating my faith portal to my strength, wisdom and love!💝
I’m so very grateful for the abundant life I’m already living and I’m excited for the abundance that is on its way to me‼️😃
I would highly recommend this class to anyone wanting to become more conscious and expand their connection to the Divine!
With love and gratitude,🙏😘
“My life is very different today than it was 19 months ago because of all the amazing support, tools, processes and unconditional love that have come from working with Christy.”
I’m so grateful I was connected to Christy Whitman and her programs. As a graduate of the 1-year QSCA coaching program, I was actually sad for it to end. The program was an amazing coaching program. But the unexpected surprise for me was how it turned out to be such a pivotal, life shifting program for my physical, emotional and spiritual healing during the one of the most physically and emotionally difficult years of my life. Once the QSCA program was over, I knew I wanted to dive deeper into my personal healing and growth with Christy. So I signed up for additional programs working directly with Christy. My life is very different today than it was 19 months ago because of all the amazing support, tools, processes and unconditional love that have come from working with Christy and her wonderful team. I would absolutely recommend signing up for any of Christy’s programs that speak to you. I continue to do so because I know that if I show up and do the work, my life will continue to keep getting better and better!
“The most important thing I have taken from the classes so far is a constant sense of peace and well being.”
I deal with stressful situations much more calmly now (Not that I panicked before but now I approach things with the inner determination and knowledge that everything is fine or will be). And I am waaaay more strongly connected to my inner self and the spiritual realm.
I’ve noticed that I’m happier and at peace. I’m also taking light body so I’m not sure how to distinguish the difference between results! But I am finding things are manifesting easier and I’m more optimistic- my optimism has a basis rather than blind faith optimism if that makes sense! Absolutely, I would recommend this program!
“I have experienced a large shift in my energy working with Christy and the Council of light. I used to react often.”
Now, the few times I react I catch myself and then can get out of it. This alone feels so freeing. I feel so much joy, calm, peace, love and gratitude. My relationship with my family is so much better. Christy and the Council of light has also helped my son who is 23 years old. Since the age of 7, my son experience episodic dizziness, neck and back pain. In the short period of time since they worked on him, my son has had huge improvements. He hasn’t had a dizzy episode and the pain in his neck and back is about 60-70% better! He is doing amazing! I will be forever grateful for all they have done for my son. I am confident that I will have abundance in all areas of my life because of Christy and the Council’s Quantum Energy lessons. They are amazing teachers! Christy is one of the most authentic, honest, fun, caring and intuitive coach/teacher I ever had. She is an amazing. I am so grateful I found her.
“My experience with Christy and the Council over the last four months, doing the QEM the four modules, has been truly amazing.”
I am an energy master. I am love. I am empowered. I am abundant. I am successful. I am loved. these are some of the feelings I felt and still feel going through the experience. The knowledge I’ve gained, the certainty, the tools and process I’ve been shown and practiced have gave me even deeper insights into myself. I have more clarity, understanding and knowledge about my being, my potential, my life, my experience on this planet, of the universe and the depths and layers of everything in between. mind boggling information that leaves you speechless and at the same time leaves you with the sense, the feeling of coming home to yourself, a knowing within that sparks the remembering of who we truely are.
I have no doubt that I am a channel of light with a message to share and the faith that it will all unfold as it will. I will keep showing up for myself, saying yes. This is the confidence I’ve gained going through the QEM experience.
I’ve loved the whole experience, I’ve loved working with Christy. I delight in the fact that like attracts like, working with Christy and the council is life changing, truly – life skills for ever because once you know, there is no unknowing. Forever in Gratitude.
“Through the QEM experience I have expanded my thinking, and most importantly my feelings, about how the world works.”
The live sessions with Christy kept me engaged and access to The Council provided a source for asking about what was on my heart, although I quite possibly learned even more from the questions of others. The daily meditations are P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L. Over the past four months I have shifted to being more confident, more loving, more at peace, and less connected to the drama of others. Thank you Christy and The Council for illuminating the path to self knowledge and abundance. It is a beautiful beginning…
“I have experienced constant awareness of my energy flow, control of my energy, connections with ma divine, align with the higher power, a lot of emotional and physical healing.”
I feel blessed, loved, understood, cared for by being part of this program.
I love both parts of the program, the daily meditations allows me to focus on where to direct my energy and it has now become a second nature, and the weekly class helped me go deeper on understanding how the energy work and a huge opportunity to talk directly to the Council and ask them questions.
I am getting better and better every day, Christy and the Council is just a God send … literally.
Sooo grateful to Christy and the Council.
Much, much love and light.
“I had someone ask me today to think of a decision that I made that changed my life, and I thought of you.”
I thought of you and the moment I chose to sign up for the QSCA.
My life has changed in so many positive ways since that day.
I feel happier, connected, vibrant.
My income has tripled, debt is paid, I love where I live and know in my heart of hearts that abundance surrounds me.
I was even gifted $10,000 unexpectedly the month we focused on the abundance in the daily quantum energy meditations.
My relationships have bloomed. Love is present and I love myself.
Quantum energy work is something I practice every day.
I wanted to tell you in the last Quantum Energy Coaching Certification class that I am so thankful for the 90-second process during this time.
When reactive emotions come up, I feel them, really feel them in the moment, the emotion crests like a wave and then flows out to the violet flame to be transmuted and replaced with golden filamentous light. At the end of the 90 seconds, I feel at peace and can move forward from my heart.
It is so wonderful to know I can be with any emotion fully in the moment and choose.
Thank you. Thank you for your contribution to my life. Thank you for being a part of my life and my community.
“The QEM experience is more than just learning. It is an opportunity to grow and heal, in ways you probably don’t even realize is necessary or possible.”
Christy is a passionate teacher and The Council are wise and patient. Together they lovingly offer guidance and healing to individuals who ask for it, but amazingly each of us in the group receives exactly what we need every week, even without asking.
Inviting Christy and The Council into my life is one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made. The ideas they teach aren’t just ideas anymore.
After my second time through the QEM, I find I don’t need to remind myself so much to practice love, joy and peace – I am becoming them. I AM LOVE, I AM JOY, I AM PEACE. And it shows in the creations in my life. I am becoming an Energy Master. I am the Powerful Creator of my life. Even just 3 years ago I couldn’t imagine saying that, let alone believing it, living it and truly experiencing my life as a creation that I love. But thanks to their healing and guidance I am a new person and I have an awesome new life, and, just as important, I know how to continue this fantastic journey into even more Love and Light and beautiful creations!
I thank you, Christy and The Council, from the very core of my Being.
“SO much has changed and shifted for me in the year i have been working with Christy and the Council! My entire life is different.”
Experiencing QEM and putting all the knowledge to daily application in my life has made me know me for the first time in my life and have confidence in who I am.
Ive been able to release the binds and ties of really intense family indoctrination that had kept me thinking i was unworthy, incapable, even stupid!
I have found my own voice and my own mind for really the first time in my life. Life became incredibly rocky and difficult when my dear Clarence died in January and yet something has given me the strength and wisdom to persevere and move through it with such grace that everyone I know has remarked on it. I feel physically stronger! Mentally clearer and so full of love that i’m just beaming it out all the time. If during my day I feel unsure of myself I simply open up my channels to bring in more light and call on Council for support as I breathe into my divine and whatever little waver I felt is instantly gone. I am sleeping through the night again and waking rested and up first thing in the morning for a meditation and to start it all over again with extreme joy!!! Bless you all and thank you a million times over!
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