Be My Guest for Days 1 to 3 of The 30 Day Meditation Series.
Healing The Central Nervous System so you can feel free and centered in your life.
Thank you for your interest in joining Christy & The Council for Days 1-3 of the 30 Days of Meditations for November. Mark your calendar with the dates, time, Facebook Live or Zoom info below. You will receive an email with further details as well as a reminder for each day.

SCHEDULE: 30 Days of Quantum Success Mediations – November, 2021
Dates: November 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Time: 7:00am PT / 10:00am ET
(time zone converter: use Los Angeles for Pacific Time)
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At Meditation Time – Join on Facebook Live:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 872 6523 2863
Passcode: 402092
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