Thank you for registering for “The 3 simple, but highly effective steps that are proven to create more: emotional fulfillment, creative power, and massive success (however you define success) in all areas of your life.”

Schedule the date and time below in your calendar as an important appointment for you to attend, because this will make a huge difference in all aspects of your life. Watch your email for reminders and general information.

DATE: Tuesday, March 19, 2019
TIME: 6:00pm Pacific / 9:00pm Eastern

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JOIN BY ZOOM (or telephone):

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

MEETING ID: 403 509 296

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Take these 4 simple tips below to get the most out of this master class with Christy Whitman

  1. Download the guidebook (to the left) and print out this guidebook before the event starts so you can write down your notes and insights as you listen.
  2. Before the event, think of the key areas in your life that you want to transform. What areas of your life would be most positively affected if you lived your life as an energy master, knowing yourself and your life as unlimited?
  3. During the event write down your “aha’s”, insights, and discoveries while you listen-that way you keep the information most important for your growth.
  4. Think about how you can implement the insights Christy reveals during the master class.