Being in a flow state creates a beautiful feeling of freedom, support, stability and of course flow and it’s fun!

Contrast is all around us. It is a part of being a human. The degree of contrast can be little to extreme. Contrast is not something we can control.
Contrast is one thing. Our resistance to it is another.
Change your vibration, change your contrast. Change your creations.
What is the solution?
Getting into the FLOW!
The Super Flow State!
The Council will show you how to shift your attention, focus, and resitance to the contrast and get into the Flow of your Divine Flow, Energy, and Creativity.
Contrast is not an option, but your resistance to it is!
When you enroll in the Super Flow State Workshop you will also have an Energy Vortex Night Pod to support you in activating and solidifying the Super Flow State of Light. This will take place from 8pm (your time) to 8am (your time) as you sleep or go about your regular activities. There is nothing you need to do other than receive.
More information on the Energy Vortex Night Pod will be given at the workshop.
Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.
For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.
Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.
Going Through This Experience With Christy & The Council Will Help You Activate All levels of the Energy Body To include Your Auric Field, Etheric, Celestial And Causal Bodies.
As the New York TImes Bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and the messenger for The Council speaking and mentoring us through Energy Mastery, Christy & The Council will give you an experience that no other spiritual beings have experiences while being in a human container.

Tracy Young

Elizabeth Langer
Special Invitation to Members of My Community
I invite you to join me for this virtual event held on Zoom so that we can work together to identify and release that stuck energy so you can expand into your potential and make all of your dreams come true!
The time we spend together will be in a safe environment in a small group setting with other like-minded individuals (who will quickly become friends) who are there to release the blocks and fears and crap that is dragging them down with the help of energy healing.
The agenda will be free flowing and open, where we will start conversations that spark discussion and you can give attention to whatever thoughts come up or ask any questions you have. There are no silly questions and no topic is off limits.
The group will learn and grow together, but the type of experience you have is completely up to you. You can be a willing participant and contribute to the discussions or ask for help with an issue or you can sit back and observe.
You’ll still experience the restorative work even if it’s done on behalf of another because energy is universal and all you have to do is ask or set an intention for it to help you and it will be done. The energy healing will still flow through to you!

When I started working with CHRISTY, I found out about the 7 Essential Universal Laws, and when I started implementing the Universal laws, the teaching, the meditations, my life turned upside down in the most amazing way.
CHRISTY helped me heal emotionally, mentally, physically. I am reborn to a whole new person. She teaches me to get in touch with my inner self, my higher self, my emotions and release the emotions that I no longer need or want. She told me that I got the job, that I am unique, special, I do matter and there is no one else like me. I can go on and on about CHRISTY about what she did for me.
CHRISTY, there is no word strong enough to tell you how grateful I am.
With all my love from the bottom of my heart.”
Alimata Diallo

Before I started working with Christy, I just didn’t know about the laws of attraction. I was living life by default, believing that I was in line with life, thinking that I was feeling and doing the right thing, making the right choices, I wasn’t happy with my life and just knew that there was more than that.
After starting working and studying with her, I realize that I had been overwhelmed and completely numbed from feeling my emotions. I just didn’t know about vibrations so that I had to erase a whole lot of wrong beliefs and relearn from source , to trust and go inside myself. I had to ask the right questions and answer them in my own unique way. I am learning to say “ NO “ when it is appropriate. To see the contrast in my life as a constant reminder to go inside to ask the question “How do I feel in this moment? My life is a work in progress for the rest of my life.
Thank you Christy for being in my life.”
Laurent Sirois

In 2016 my husband of 25 years transitioned and just 6 months prior to that my mother had transitioned. I was really lost, lonely, angry – just so out of alignment all of the time. I had heard about Christy’s QSCA and had always wanted to take her classes but had previously always found excuses not to do it. Since I was fully on my own in 2016, I found the information about QSCA that I’d almost forgotten about and signed up for the Fall 2016 class. That was the start of an amazing journey.
I am not the same person I was 5 years ago and I can say that I’m truly looking forward to the future.
My recent experience attending the Virtual Goddess Retreat in December 2020, was another life-altering experience. I have gained more compassion, light, and love – for myself as well as for others. All I can say is – AMAZING. And I can’t really describe all of the joy that I have found being involved with a group of like-minded goddesses who are on a similar path to mine.
Thank you Christy and Council for all you do!”
Georgia Stewart

Before I started working with Christy I was having problems sleeping through the night and felt horrible for having ruined the opportunity of a lifetime. I quit working on my Doctorate which had been a long term dream of mine to take a job in paradise. Weeks after uprooting my family and moving to the U.S. Virgin Islands I left a handsomely paid position to return to “nothing” in the U.S. I was in a place of pain and felt immobilized.
After I began working with her I let go of the shame, this at least got me moving. After I was no longer “stuck” I was able to gain back some trust in myself. I slept through the nights like a baby and healed tremendously. I gained the courage to seek her help and she delivered beyond what I could have imagined. Christy along with the Council helped me see my own Divinity and deservedness. Once my eyes were opened up the endless pit of needing to prove myself with degrees, titles and accomplishments vanished. In it’s place was so much.”
Kashia M.

Terri Martinez

Lauryn Senko

I’ve released behaviours that were causing my suffering. I’ve let go of vices that were keeping the behaviours in place.
I’m more loving, patient, understanding, compassionate, present with myself and others.
The vice freedom extension gave me the tools to develop positive habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a deep sense of connection to who I am. I have clarity on why I’m here. I now have the confidence and options to do what makes me happy.
Thanks to Christy and The Council my relationship with myself is loving and so is my relationship with everyone around me.
I look forward to working with Christy and The Council next year, I’ve already said YES to myself, to go on another experience with Christy.”
Jane Walters

Experiencing QEM and putting all the knowledge to daily application in my life has made me know me for the first time in my life and have confidence in who I am.
Ive been able to release the binds and ties of really intense family indoctrination that had kept me thinking i was unworthy, incapable, even stupid!
I have found my own voice and my own mind for really the first time in my life. Life became incredibly rocky and difficult when my dear Clarence died in January and yet something has given me the strength and wisdom to persevere and move through it with such grace that everyone I know has remarked on it. I feel physically stronger! Mentally clearer and so full of love that i’m just beaming it out all the time. If during my day I feel unsure of myself I simply open up my channels to bring in more light and call on Council for support as I breathe into my divine and whatever little waver I felt is instantly gone. I am sleeping through the night again and waking rested and up first thing in the morning for a meditation and to start it all over again with extreme joy!!! Bless you all and thank you a million times over!”
Althea Duffy
(888) 551-3121 –
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 – Scottsdale, AZ 85260