Heal Years Of Pain In 12 Months
We all struggle with emotions and pain leftover from past relationships and situations. Everything is made up of energy. It’s constantly moving in and out of us. So what happens when we hold onto a negative experience and the feelings caused by it?
That energy becomes stuck. It creates a pain point and the only solution is to release that energy from your body; cleansing yourself of those negative emotions. You can’t avoid pain. You need to acknowledge it, understand it, and release it. Then, you can move on.
Those painful thoughts you’re thinking; those negative beliefs you’ve formed aren’t true. You don’t have to suffer.
The Sacred Circle of Light is a 1 year program that helps you heal all of that pent up pain through spiritual cleansing. With the use of purifying group sessions that benefit each individual, collective healing transpires.
You’ll learn how to release the pain and live in your power, wisdom and a consciousness of love. You’ll learn to live from a place of Light and manifest from that spiritual place.
What Is The Sacred Circle Of Light 12 Month Program?
48 Weekly 60 Minute Zoom Healing Sessions that will train you to release and move past your trapped energy
Each month has a different theme and 4 different energy release and spiritual cleansing coachings for each month
Bonuses worth over $6,000
When you choose to participate in the Sacred Circle of Light, you will:
Explore a new experience of FREEDOM – layer after layer of old imprints and limitations freeing you from your past.
Once you are clear, have a consistent place and teacher that can keep you and your energy clear when things in life affect you, or life takes over.
Anything that dims your Light has power over you, and you can easily release it so that you can be free.
Live from a state of being where you are neutral to other people and mass consciousness lower vibrations pulling you down. Live unaffected and in the LIGHT!
Eliminate the stuck energy of bushwhacks so that you can be free to feel how you want to feel and do what you want to do in your life.
Become part of a very conscious community where there is support, love and encouragement for your growth and expansion. Be celebrated for the Light that you are.
Shine your light so that others have permission to shine theirs.
Shine your light so that others have permission to shine theirs.
What People Are Saying
“Working with Christy and the QSCA family has dramatically improved my life.”
Working directly with Christy and being part of her monthly meditations, the Sacred Circle of Life and many of her other programs, I have developed a deeper awareness of my whole being and I’ve increased my consciousness which has created more inner peace, pure love for myself just as I am and harmony in my life.
Christy creates a safe environment which enabled me to work with her and the Council of Light to clear many of the blocks that have caused lifelong pain and suffering from various relationships. Her wisdom and the tools she shared empowered me to recognize and escape from the deeply embedded tentacles of the Drama Victim Triangle. Although I still encounter contrast, I am able to quickly recognize the contrast, process the energy of it and transition into a higher vibration.
I’ve recently had several people recently tell me I look younger and seem different. The difference is freedom from the drama triangle and applying all the essential laws to manifest a life of amazing abundance. I am eternally grateful for Christy, The Council of Light and the many blessings that I’ve attracted into my life since being empowered with the tools that Christy shared.
“I’ve found my center, me core, and have recognized my innate power and connection to the universe”
I recognize how I am the energy master of myself and, using the tools I’ve learned, I am able to manifest my reality from that place.
I am seeing interesting serendipities in my life… where once, if I had a full work day planned along with taking my husband to doctors’ appointments, and dealing with running errands, etc., I dreaded the busyness of it all … and the traffic delays and other wrenches were thrown into the mix.
Now, coming from expecting the best, the universe still finds ways to surprise and delight me. Traffic might magically orchestrate itself so that I catch 10 green traffic lights in a row, arriving at an appointment early (instead of down to the last minute), or as recently happened, learning that the previous MRI patient was a no-show so my husband moved up to now empty MRI machine slot a full hour early. I am so grateful for the “me” I am now and how my life has improved… just by a shift in my thinking and behavior.
Christy is such a blessing in my life and I look forward to continuing to work with her.
“Christy Whitman is just amazing!”
Working with Christy helped me release fears, old disempowering beliefs and negative energy.
As an example, before it was challenging for me to spend one week with my family as they were quickly pushing my buttons. Today I can remain centered while I am in their presence, accept them as they are and, the most important thing, being at peace, appreciating and enjoying their presence.
I also became aware of my negative self talk. If before I was saying to myself “How silly/ stupid I was!” related to something I did, today I shifted my inner talk and I say “This was a good opportunity for me to grow and learn that…”. Now I am feeling empowered and not considering myself as silly or stupid anymore. This allows me to stay calm and see new possibilities and options instead of blocking on what I did wrong.
Thank you so much Christy for my new ME!
“How can I put into words how much my life has changed since I began working with Christy Whitman?”
In 2015 my mother transitioned and 6 months later my husband transitioned. I felt as though my world had collapsed. And then I found Christy Whitman. I began my journey in the Quantum Success Coaching Academy in Fall 2016. Then when Christy offered 30-day meditations, I signed up for the second month they were offered in January 2017 and have being meditating every time she has offered these since that time. All of Christy’s programs that I’ve taken (QSCA, meditations, Light Body, Opening to Channel, Vice Freedom, and Sacred Circle Of Light) have helped propel me into the joyful life that I live today. I was honored to witness Christy’s first channeling of the Council Of Light and these beings are truly amazing and have helped me in more ways than I can begin to explain. I feel truly happy. I have firmly planted both feet in the boat of loving my life as it is now in this moment, and I am looking forward to a future filled with love, happiness, and joy, because Christy has taught me so very well that I am master of my own energy. Thank you so very much!
When you choose to participate in the Sacred Circle of Light, you will:
Value: $27
Value: $497 per month
Value: $297
Value: $297 per event
For 12 full months of coaching, healing, meditations, live and virtual events and more, you only invest $12,000!
That’s direct access to me as your personal coach for one full year – only $12,000!
And I’m offering a quarterly and monthly payment plan if that helps.
Keep in mind that this is a Sacred Circle of Light built on trust, friendship and sharing a common goal – to help you live your unlimited life.
This is SACRED and special. And the reason I’m inviting you is because you are a valued member of my family and I feel you are ready for this type of experience.
Thank you for your deep divine trust in me!
Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.
For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.
Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.
“Immense gratitude and appreciation to the sacred circle of light!
My spiritual goal was to heal the source of my migraines and headaches that were plaguing me since childhood. My search quickly lead me to realize, since everything is energy, that energy healing was necessary. Healing many issues in my life, it became obvious to me that I needed deeper more powerful energy healing for my illness.
I was already involved with Christy’s courses, and when I heard that Christy was going to have a live healing event in Montreal, my intuition strongly let me know that I needed to be there. I attended and excitedly had my hand up first when Christy asked who wanted the first healing.
Christy healed several layers dealing with my illness until she sensed that is all the energy healing my body could receive for one session and I needed to process the healing energy.
During my healing session, someone asked the question: If the source of ones illness could originate before birth? This strongly resonated with me and I intuitively knew I needed to explore this further.
I used my 3 one-on-one consulting sessions I still had with Christy to heal the source of my illness. To heal all related issues to my illness, I joined Christy’s Sacred Circle of Light.
After several more energy healing sessions with the Council of Light, I can now say that I am free from my illness and loving my life.
I have also healed many other issues in my life that now allows me to experience more love, joy and peace in my life. Immense gratitude and appreciation to Christy and to the Council of Light for transforming my life beyond my wildest dream.
“I celebrated a year as a participant of Christy’s Sacred Circle of Light with The Awesome Quantum Council of Light. It was transformative and priceless.”
Each week was like a business meeting—focusing on the business of being ME! How often do we invest in our very Sacred Selves? It was also like a healing station where The Council, ever so lovingly, peers into me to make suggestions and adjustments to align me to my highest individualized expression of my Divine Self. I have been blessed! I love being under the waterfall of Cleansing Sparkling Holy Light! Thank you Christy and The Council!
“It’s hard to remember what life was like before I began working with Christy because I’m not the same person anymore.”
I’ve always been on the happy side of the scale, but I was also always aware that there were feelings of anger and fear just below the surface. I also knew, as a lifelong self-development student, that those low vibe feelings were holding me back from the life I truly want. Therapy helped work through past trauma but not enough to get rid of that critical, judgmental voice in my head. Then I found Christy Whitman and knew I had to work with her and learn from her.
As a lifelong self-development enthusiast, I was quite familiar with the Law of Attraction but
still knew, somewhere, I was missing pieces of the puzzle. After working with Christy, as I said, I
feel like a new person inside and out. The anger and hurt has dissipated and I know have the
tools to take care of that inner voice.
The results being: I’m building a business with my husband that is fun, fulfilling and profitable
and I have healed decades old (and even generations old) wounds and transmuted so much
energy that I feel a sense of freedom I have honestly never known.
No matter what challenges you may have, I recommend you allow Christy to be your guide. I
can tell you from experience, she will teach you, support you and assist you with the
transformation that has been waiting and whispering in your ear.
PS: Her entire team ROCKS!!!
I’ve recently had several people recently tell me I look younger and seem different. The difference is freedom from the drama triangle and applying all the essential laws to manifest a life of amazing abundance. I am eternally grateful for Christy, The Council of Light and the many blessings that I’ve attracted into my life since being empowered with the tools that Christy shared.
“Today was a “drop the mic” day with The Council.”
I received the answer I have searched for as to what the vibration I have had in my body for 10 years is all about. I could never see the gift in it, and now I totally do.
“You and the Council have been helping me prepare for my talk that I did on “What is Hypnotherapy.”
I want to personally thank you and the Council for helping me along the way. The talk was last night and I am happy to share that we exceeded the room capacity in attendance (60 people). I felt excited, energized, prepared and confident going into the presentation. Without question, I attribute this “new confidence” to working with you one-on-one as well as the meditation series you have been doing (and of course all of my previous training with you).
Leading up to last night’s presentation, I could feel the Council’s presence. And at times, they clearly came through in the early wee hours of the morning (as I was awakened with messages). I am so thankful that they were with me and have helped me strengthen my own connection with my own divine.
It never ceases to amaze me of the timing that the Council’s teachings correspond to what I needed at that moment. In just February alone, this has never been truer. Just today, when the Council did a “sharp turn healing process”…perfect timing as I was in such a whirlwind after last night’s presentation. I definitely needed to regroup and reground and the healing helped to calm me back down. I loved the meditation the other day with the circles of light down our spine. I have been using that every day since intentionally activating those areas as needed. WOW, we are really expanding our learning of concepts that are so advanced that I feel such a deep privilege to be a part of.
You, Christy, rock! The Council rocks! I’m excited about what my future holds for me and the infinite possibilities that are in front of me. I have already had two people approach me asking if I would do the same presentation to other groups. I had many people signing up for my services. FYI, I did a plug for you and your book “7 Essential Laws”. Some people came up and took pictures of the book to go buy it. They might be checking out your website…I hope they do!
Love to you and the Council.
“In case you ever wondered (or doubted)….. “
if there is a group of beings that is from beyond this Earth plane, that is unconditionally loving, here to help you evolve to your best self, give you clear information about what life is REALLY about, and generous energy healings with simple tools to use everyday – doubt no more. To be in a small and personal group format with a direct, main line to the Council of Light over a WHOLE year! Honestly, I don’t know anywhere else that’s possible. The shifts to my view of Self, my energy, and beliefs of ‘reality’ are too numerous to count. I have been doing programs for 35+ years and none of them compare to the depth of the work possible with Christy and the Council.
“I am a 71-year-old woman who was diagnosed with several serious, life-threatening diseases over the years. When it became glaringly obvious that traditional medical interventions offered me no hope of improving my overall health, in early 2019 I committed to healing my body energetically using the Laws of the Universe.”
However, it wasn’t until I was led to the work of Christy Whitman and the Council of Light in May 2021 that I began to experience physical evidence that I was making progress toward achieving my goal of the full restoration of my Divine Health.
I have taken advantage of virtually every program Christy offers:
- 2 Four-Hour Healing Events
- Quantum Energy Mastery
- Sacred Circle of Light
- Vice Freedom Program
- Freedom From Co-dependency
- Monthly Quantum Shifts
- and nine months of the 30-Day Meditation Series
In other words, I have faithfully done my part of the healing work while my Divine Partner (The Council) has more than done their share of the work as well.
To date I’ve experienced these clear signs of what I call *EVIDENCE* that every bit of my commitment has yielded tremendous gains:
- Reduction in well over 50% of the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs;
- Eliminated the need for the 24-hours a day/7-days a week supplemental oxygen that I had been using for over 22 months;
- Eliminated the need to use the walker that I had relied on to walk farther than ten feet unaided over the past 18 months;
- Experienced deep emotional healings from traumatic memories and spiritual imprints of long, long-standing too numerous to list in detail,
- Manifested financial gain to the point where we are now completely debt-free;
- And, just as importantly, strengthened, deepened, and expanded the emotional relationship I have with my beloved husband of over 50-years.
In other words, thanks to the teachings of Christy and The Council, my entire life has shifted 180 degrees! I AM filled to overflowing with joy because of the Divine ENERGY, LIGHT, and LOVE that infills and surrounds me.
I AM deeply satisfied, filled with joyful expectancy, and eagerly anticipating whatever Surprises and deLIGHTS await me as I move forward with Christy and The Council into my future Self.
“Immense gratitude and appreciation to the sacred circle of light!
My spiritual goal was to heal the source of my migraines and headaches that were plaguing me since childhood. My search quickly lead me to realize, since everything is energy, that energy healing was necessary. Healing many issues in my life, it became obvious to me that I needed deeper more powerful energy healing for my illness.
I was already involved with Christy’s courses, and when I heard that Christy was going to have a live healing event in Montreal, my intuition strongly let me know that I needed to be there. I attended and excitedly had my hand up first when Christy asked who wanted the first healing.
Christy healed several layers dealing with my illness until she sensed that is all the energy healing my body could receive for one session and I needed to process the healing energy.
During my healing session, someone asked the question: If the source of ones illness could originate before birth? This strongly resonated with me and I intuitively knew I needed to explore this further.
I used my 3 one-on-one consulting sessions I still had with Christy to heal the source of my illness. To heal all related issues to my illness, I joined Christy’s Sacred Circle of Light.
After several more energy healing sessions with the Council of Light, I can now say that I am free from my illness and loving my life.
I have also healed many other issues in my life that now allows me to experience more love, joy and peace in my life. Immense gratitude and appreciation to Christy and to the Council of Light for transforming my life beyond my wildest dream.
“It’s hard to remember what life was like before I began working with Christy because I’m not the same person anymore.”
I’ve always been on the happy side of the scale, but I was also always aware that there were feelings of anger and fear just below the surface. I also knew, as a lifelong self-development student, that those low vibe feelings were holding me back from the life I truly want. Therapy helped work through past trauma but not enough to get rid of that critical, judgmental voice in my head. Then I found Christy Whitman and knew I had to work with her and learn from her.
As a lifelong self-development enthusiast, I was quite familiar with the Law of Attraction but
still knew, somewhere, I was missing pieces of the puzzle. After working with Christy, as I said, I
feel like a new person inside and out. The anger and hurt has dissipated and I know have the
tools to take care of that inner voice.
The results being: I’m building a business with my husband that is fun, fulfilling and profitable
and I have healed decades old (and even generations old) wounds and transmuted so much
energy that I feel a sense of freedom I have honestly never known.
No matter what challenges you may have, I recommend you allow Christy to be your guide. I
can tell you from experience, she will teach you, support you and assist you with the
transformation that has been waiting and whispering in your ear.
PS: Her entire team ROCKS!!!
I’ve recently had several people recently tell me I look younger and seem different. The difference is freedom from the drama triangle and applying all the essential laws to manifest a life of amazing abundance. I am eternally grateful for Christy, The Council of Light and the many blessings that I’ve attracted into my life since being empowered with the tools that Christy shared.
“You and the Council have been helping me prepare for my talk that I did on “What is Hypnotherapy.”
I want to personally thank you and the Council for helping me along the way. The talk was last night and I am happy to share that we exceeded the room capacity in attendance (60 people). I felt excited, energized, prepared and confident going into the presentation. Without question, I attribute this “new confidence” to working with you one-on-one as well as the meditation series you have been doing (and of course all of my previous training with you).
Leading up to last night’s presentation, I could feel the Council’s presence. And at times, they clearly came through in the early wee hours of the morning (as I was awakened with messages). I am so thankful that they were with me and have helped me strengthen my own connection with my own divine.
It never ceases to amaze me of the timing that the Council’s teachings correspond to what I needed at that moment. In just February alone, this has never been truer. Just today, when the Council did a “sharp turn healing process”…perfect timing as I was in such a whirlwind after last night’s presentation. I definitely needed to regroup and reground and the healing helped to calm me back down. I loved the meditation the other day with the circles of light down our spine. I have been using that every day since intentionally activating those areas as needed. WOW, we are really expanding our learning of concepts that are so advanced that I feel such a deep privilege to be a part of.
You, Christy, rock! The Council rocks! I’m excited about what my future holds for me and the infinite possibilities that are in front of me. I have already had two people approach me asking if I would do the same presentation to other groups. I had many people signing up for my services. FYI, I did a plug for you and your book “7 Essential Laws”. Some people came up and took pictures of the book to go buy it. They might be checking out your website…I hope they do!
Love to you and the Council.
“I am a 71-year-old woman who was diagnosed with several serious, life-threatening diseases over the years. When it became glaringly obvious that traditional medical interventions offered me no hope of improving my overall health, in early 2019 I committed to healing my body energetically using the Laws of the Universe.”
However, it wasn’t until I was led to the work of Christy Whitman and the Council of Light in May 2021 that I began to experience physical evidence that I was making progress toward achieving my goal of the full restoration of my Divine Health.
I have taken advantage of virtually every program Christy offers:
- 2 Four-Hour Healing Events
- Quantum Energy Mastery
- Sacred Circle of Light
- Vice Freedom Program
- Freedom From Co-dependency
- Monthly Quantum Shifts
- and nine months of the 30-Day Meditation Series
In other words, I have faithfully done my part of the healing work while my Divine Partner (The Council) has more than done their share of the work as well.
To date I’ve experienced these clear signs of what I call *EVIDENCE* that every bit of my commitment has yielded tremendous gains:
- Reduction in well over 50% of the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs;
- Eliminated the need for the 24-hours a day/7-days a week supplemental oxygen that I had been using for over 22 months;
- Eliminated the need to use the walker that I had relied on to walk farther than ten feet unaided over the past 18 months;
- Experienced deep emotional healings from traumatic memories and spiritual imprints of long, long-standing too numerous to list in detail,
- Manifested financial gain to the point where we are now completely debt-free;
- And, just as importantly, strengthened, deepened, and expanded the emotional relationship I have with my beloved husband of over 50-years.
In other words, thanks to the teachings of Christy and The Council, my entire life has shifted 180 degrees! I AM filled to overflowing with joy because of the Divine ENERGY, LIGHT, and LOVE that infills and surrounds me.
I AM deeply satisfied, filled with joyful expectancy, and eagerly anticipating whatever Surprises and deLIGHTS await me as I move forward with Christy and The Council into my future Self.
“I celebrated a year as a participant of Christy’s Sacred Circle of Light with The Awesome Quantum Council of Light. It was transformative and priceless.”
Each week was like a business meeting—focusing on the business of being ME! How often do we invest in our very Sacred Selves? It was also like a healing station where The Council, ever so lovingly, peers into me to make suggestions and adjustments to align me to my highest individualized expression of my Divine Self. I have been blessed! I love being under the waterfall of Cleansing Sparkling Holy Light! Thank you Christy and The Council!
“Today was a “drop the mic” day with The Council.”
I received the answer I have searched for as to what the vibration I have had in my body for 10 years is all about. I could never see the gift in it, and now I totally do.

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