Do you feel resourceless when it comes to parenting your kids (no matter what age they are)?
Are you looking for greater guidance and practical tools that will leave both yourself and your children feeling connected, peaceful and empowered?
Most parenting courses provide strategies for creating change by managing our words and behaviors, or by trying to control our kid’s words and behaviors.
This experience is founded in a completely different paradigm.
By learning to master your own energy and bring your personal vibration back into alignment with your core desires and values, you become a leader who inspires your kids through the power of your example.
Each session will leave you feeling peaceful and empowered as a parent.
Alignment within yourself and your co-creator so you can then teach alignment to your children.
Release and healing of your own pain body so you can parent from your Love Body.
Using Emotions as Guides
Become the Parent You Desire to Be
Taking the time to replenish your inner resources so you can show up at your best (without taking a lot of time that you already don’t have).
Identifying Your Parenting Vision and Values and effectively communicating those to your children.
The ONE thing you can say and do with your kids (no matter what age they are or what stage of parenting you’re at) to cut through what really matters and help them know they are LOVED.
Step out of the Drama Triangle that causes all pain, separation, resentment and cut off from the one you love the most. And fully align with your Divine Design of Love and Support.
You will learn from both Christy and The Council on practical 3D tools, techniques and processes that take just moments to implement and that are effective in creating a loving, supportive, joyful and peaceful relationship between you and your children (NO MATTER WHAT AGE OR STAGE THEY ARE IN).
You will then be able to utilize these tools in every relationship you have… returning you to your Divine Design of Loving and Supportive Relationships.
Each class you will have time to ask your burning questions to The Council after the lesson and healing processes.
Sessions are 90 minutes in length, LIVE over Zoom!
Week #1: Prioritizing Personal Alignment
Our vibration – not our words – is what our kids respond to (at any age). Our vibration is what everything responds to. And our vibration is formed by the thoughts, perspectives, conclusions, moods and emotions we’re offering in each changing moment.
Alignment – a state of unobstructed communication between the physical and the non-physical aspects of you. Alignment is simply the state of feeling good and bringing all of yourself to any given relationship or situation.
Week #2: Giving From a Full Cup
Parenting sucks. Being a parent, by definition, sucks us of time, energy, sleep, money, and other resources. And so, a big part of being an effective parent is taking the time to replenish our inner resources so we can show up at our best. We cannot pour from an empty cup.
Contrary to what many of us were raised to believe, we are each responsible for our state of being. We are each responsible for generating our own positive energy, and for bringing the qualities we aspire to express – such as clarity, lightheartedness and flexibility – to each important aspect of our lives. When you can do this for yourself, it shifts and changes the relationship with your kids.
Week #3: Clarifying Your Parenting Vision and Values
Because both parents and children are in a constant state of evolution, it’s important to periodically re-clarify our vision for ourselves as parents, as well as our vision for our families and households. And when we’re seeking to clarify our parenting vision, we want to look deeper than the outer conditions we’re striving to achieve, and actually connect with the values that will support us in creating that. Values are like anchors that hold our behaviors in line with our vision and desires, which in turn creates the results in our relationships with our kids.
Week #4: Emotions As Guides
Contrary to what most of us were told growing up, there are no “good” emotions and “bad” emotions. Emotions are simply energy in motion, which is to say that emotions are vibrational frequencies that travel at particular rates of speed. Emotional Intelligence is essential in parenting.
How as a parent to not only understand and know your own emotions, and navigate when your kids have big emotions and don’t know how to process them. Including how to you guide your kids into accepting and releasing their own emotions when they experience contrast.
Week #5: The Magic of Surrender
Like everything in our 3-dimensional reality, parenting is filled with opposite extremes. We experience deep love and, at times, we experience deep disappointment or loss. We experience moments of extreme satisfaction and moments of intense discontent. And this is because we live in a universe of contrasting values – black and white, empty and full, wanting and having. Learning how to cooperate with contrast rather than resist it is the hallmark of a true energy master.
Week #6: The Art of Looking for What’s Right
What we focus on expands, and we attract evidence of what we already believe. Our expectations shape our experience of reality.
The phenomenon of kids acting completely different when with people other than their parents. Different expectations create different results. The most important thing you do for your kids and how to do it effectively.
Week 7: Boundaries, Structures & Contracts
In the midst of a busy life, it’s easy to agree to things based on their short-term ease, without considering their long term consequences. But when we don’t have structures in place to remind us of what is most important to us as a parent, we can lose sight of the impact of our daily choices. Boundaries and contracts are two incredibly useful structures that keep us on track as parents, and establish clear expectations. Learn how to create a Family Contract and make parenting fun for both you and your child.
Week #8: Maintaining the Vibrational Atmosphere of Your Home
Every relationship is like a living, breathing organization. And just like plants need a conducive environment with a certain amount of light, shade and water in order to thrive, your family members will thrive when you make it a priority to maintain the vibrational atmosphere of your home.
You will learn from both Christy and The Council practical 3D tools, techniques and processes that take just moments to implement and that are effective in creating a loving, supportive, joyful and peaceful relationship between you and your children (NO MATTER WHAT AGE OR STAGE THEY ARE IN).
You will then be able to utilize these tools in every relationship you have… returning you to your Divine Design of Loving and Supportive Relationships.
Each class you will have time to ask your burning questions to The Council after the lesson and healing processes.
Sessions are 90 minutes in length, over Zoom and LIVE!
Sessions held Wednesdays at 10 am PT / 1pm ET
September 7, 2022 – October 26, 2022
September 7, 14, 21, 28
October 5, 12, 19, 26
Breaking Free From Drama
7 Video Series – Breaking free from drama and moving into joy, abundance, and love makes a huge difference in your finances, relationships, career, and inner state of being!
(Value: $97 Included with your registration
“Great bite-sized gems of information and tools to positively impact any relationship…”
Especially in how couples can shift their communication and frame of reference from the pain created from operating in the drama triangle to being in the “circle of love.
“Wow! I have always felt that I share a pretty balanced relationship with my husband and watching this video series has really given me the opportunity to explore myself and who I am in our relationship as well as all relationships.”
Each video offers a captivating tidbit of information. While all of the videos resonated with me, I have made myself a shortlist of those that have particularly struck a chord so I can go back and focus a little more on these improvements.
Spending 5 minutes a day with Christy & Frederic has been such a powerful & uplifting experience. This is a great place to start making those small and big changes to succeed as a happy, connected couple!
Comprehensive energy support and spiritual and parenting direction, guidance, healing, and transformation.
Christy & The Council will support you with both parenting as well as higher level expansion:
Connect and feel each state of abundance, well-being, success and love at will.
Create new and fun manifestations at this new level of consciousness.
Practical tools for every day to return you to your expanded state of being.
Plant seeds for your future, and connect with that Future Self in the present.
Connect and work with the Soul of your parent or child so you experience quantum shifts in your relationship.
Be guided by Divine Wisdom through your connection to your Divine Design and have clarity of what decisions to make, or what path to go on with certainty and faith that it is aligned for you.
Freedom from drama and struggle
You will feel your power to choose and connect with the essence of what you want in any situation, circumstance or relationship.
Optimize your Divine Design of Love and Support
Your relationships will feel more fulfilling, dynamic and rich
You will be able to address and assess your energy using your inner vortex of light, turning your attention inward to multiple resources, or create a desired state of being.
“When I first started working with Christy in her coaching program I didn’t even realize the life that I could have and how much I was in control of it.”
Learning the tools and having the knowledge to know how to move through your life with a different mindset has changed it almost immediately.
My business improved, my relationships grew, relationships that didn’t serve me moved out easily, my stress levels and health improved almost magically things got better and better!
Today my goal is to keep moving forward with this mindset and to teach the people who are interested in the knowledge I have learned.
Thank you Christy for being a great teacher and guide!
“I am so very grateful for the tools and love and the divine alignment I have learned and received from both Christy and the Council.”
Learning about the processes of the drama triangle, letting go of the roles within and then learning to live and come from the circle of love is life changing and truly amazing.
After experiencing a life changing trauma and beating myself up for so long, I finally learned that it was the energy of compassion and love for myself which are the most significant and beneficial forces of energy to allow divine alignment for healing that I could have ever asked for or experienced for myself.
I am so grateful with love and light for Christy Whitman and the Council!
“Christy Whitman is amazing ,she is such an authentic healer!”
Before working with her and the Council in the Vice Freedom Program I would often use food to numb my pain and discomfort. Reaching for sweets and emotionally eating whenever a bushwhack would arise .With the emotional clearing and many creative tools I have learned, I am now much more aware of this tendency and much better prepared to meet the bushwhacks I encounter with love and curiosity. I learned that stepping outside the drama triangle and into the circle of love, that is truly what life is about, makes all of the difference. The results have been both subtle and profound. Working with Christy is pure bliss!
With Extreme Gratitude.
“Christy Whitman is an inspiration.”
Before I started working with Christy I did not know how to energetically shift some of the internal blocks I was experiencing or how to elevate my vibration. I separated from my husband last December and Christy’s guidance and meditations have helped me to navigate through the challenges I have been facing in many of the areas of my life and to be stronger and more centered and present for our 5 year old daughter. Looking at everything as energy and learning how to master my own energy has helped me to feel more confident and connected. I joined for the abundance meditations in December and felt a deep level of support during a month when I really needed it. I am truly grateful for Christy’s offerings and for her facilitation of connection to source energy and to ourselves. It really has been the missing piece I have been asking for.”
Much love and many blessings.
Christy Whitman is an energy healer, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance. She communicates with, and for, The Council, a collection of non-physical ascended masters who desire to help humanity understand that we are divinely designed for well-being, abundance, success and loving relationships.
Christy has been a step-mom as well as the mother of her own children, Alex and Maxim. She is also the creator of The Enlightened Kid Program, which helped support thousands of parents and kids find their own inner alignment and change their relationships.
Going Through This Experience With Christy & The Council Will Help You Become The Parent You Desire To Be.
By learning to master your own energy and bring your personal vibration back into alignment with your core desires and values, you become a leader who inspires your kids through the power of your example.
“My experience was life-changing. I am not the same person. I love my life and I know without a doubt that I’m the one creating it.”
I’m full of trust and faith for my future.
I’ve released behaviours that were causing my suffering. I’ve let go of vices that were keeping the behaviours in place.
I’m more loving, patient, understanding, compassionate, present with myself and others.
The vice freedom extension gave me the tools to develop positive habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a deep sense of connection to who I am. I have clarity on why I’m here. I now have the confidence and options to do what makes me happy.
Thanks to Christy and The Council my relationship with myself is loving and so is my relationship with everyone around me.
I look forward to working with Christy and The Council next year, I’ve already said YES to myself, to go on another experience with Christy.
“You can only do better when you know better…” and “energy is the basis of everything that exists in the universe…”
These two statements sent me on a quest to uncover more. Yes, I have a deep passion to learn, in particular, things of which I can actually apply to my everyday living and those which can help me to become the best version of myself. Christy and the Council certainly offer meaningful, applicable gems, be it from meditations, the Energy Mastery Experience, or deep healing such as within the “Goddess Rising”. Tips and tricks and processes and tools have been placed at my fingertips, ready to apply/re-apply to help me process/shift any type of unwanted emotion and easily return to feeling good again. The teachings taught were like “droplets of love” as it was sprinkled, bite-sized with the understanding we are all truly, fun “love-beings”. In Mastery, I’ve learned the importance and how to manage my energy via my thoughts, words, emotions, perspectives and actions and I practiced feeling the “essence” of what I want in my life, to enjoy various essence qualities as precursors to any manifestations. I’ve opened up to the awareness of how much my Divine Self loves and adores me, no matter what and the discovery to know everyone has been bestowed a treasure chest! What amazed me beyond all the explosively meaningful, joyful learnings was how my confidence and self-image expanded positively alongside. I have only begun with Christy and the Council and I’ve felt much positive shifts within me. Seeds of joy have been planted inside me. I can’t imagine what has yet to bloom. Thank you, Christy and the Council of Light!
“I lost my son to suicide who is pictured in the middle of this photo a year and 2 months before I started working with Christy.”
I was depressed and starting drinking too much to kill the pain so when I stumbled upon the vice freedom program I thought it is time for a change. Christy mentioned her sister had committed suicide and it felt like a good match for me to try to regain my footing. There truly are no coincidences. I made a daily practice of listening to her class, meditations and studying “A Course in Miracles” every morning. It has given me so much strength. Even my girlfriend said “Something has changed in you Heidi, you seem very grounded and solid”. I am working on my book that I am hoping will be a guide for so many other parents who have suffered our kind of loss. He was a beautiful gentle soul and this world was so hard on him. He is now truly at peace and with Christy’s and the council of lights help so am I. Thank you so much Christy, I truly believe this course set me on a new path in life. There are no words to express my gratitude.
“I want to thank Christy and the Council of Light for the amazing Vice Freedom Program I just went through.”
I am so grateful for all the help, clarity, and healing I received. I knew I had emotional baggage, but just didn’t realize how much it was weighing me down. I feel so much more free and lighter. My vices we not really outer, but inner, because I have always kept my feelings bottled up on the inside. One thing I really worked on was releasing and letting go of things from the past. I had avoidance issues with anything that seemed hard, including facing past difficulties. I discovered imprints from my childhood that I didn’t realize I had and was able to let go of those things.
I lost my 18 yr. old daughter in an accident 22 years ago, and I had closed off a part of my heart to love. I feel like I have finally opened back up. I recently lost my 36 year old son, 5 months ago, and was going through a lot of emotional heartache with that as well. There were many emotions with these two things that I needed to work through. Through the processes of releasing energy and the healings, I feel so much peace and freedom. I feel like my heart is open again.
I also went through the Divination Meditations with Christy and the Council in December, and that was a life changing experience as well. I began to feel divinely connected and learned to love myself again. That experience ultimately led to my joining the Vice Freedom Program in January. I wanted to heal and felt I deserved it. I am now ready to step into a new season of my life with the expectation of all things good. I truly appreciate the help of Christy and the Council in getting to this place!
“I have been working with Christy for the past year, going through some of the programs offered, as well as coaching sessions.”
The amazing process and transformation i have experienced has provided me with tools that i never would have had otherwise. The most amazing process was understanding my role in my own Drama Triangle. As a teenager, I experienced several major traumas that caused me to take on a victim role, which i have unknowingly repeated for over 40 years. Learning how i repeated the role, and what i can do myself to move out of this Drama Triangle as truly changed my life, and brought me so much peace and empowerment. Most recently, I had an opportunity to see how far I have actually come. I have a great full time job, but I also am a part time Yoga Instructor. I love teaching yoga, and all the benefits it can provide. Well, two weeks ago, the management company I teach yoga classes for changed hands. They revealed themselves almost instantly as a very volatile organization, and through an encounter, they terminated me. Just like that, complete with a phone call screaming session! Well, that was interesting, and of course my first reaction was to be a victim! I was able to see – from a higher perspective – how i was allowing myself to be a victim, thus repeating the old patterns. I did several things. First, i cancelled my plans for the evening, knowing that I would have most likely rehearsed the drama with my friends, for pity and to solidify my role as the victim. I needed to stop that. Next, i got into meditation, bringing in all the persons involved into my “circle” until i could truly see their hearts, and a knowing that anger, bitterness, and most importantly not choosing to be the victim was not the path to take. By the end of the weekend, I was in a place of peace, and love for the players of this dance. I knew that this was just an opportunity for me to see how far i have come in the amazing transformation. I was also grateful that this “test” was with something that was not catastrophic, as i would have made it in the past. Fast forward just 1 week…the company called me and ask that i come in to “discuss my schedule”. They apologized, several times, reinstated me, and actually doubled my class load. In the process, the gratitude I have for this process is the best reward. I had been provided an opportunity to test myself, test the work that i have done with Christy, and see how far I have progressed. Things will still happen, but how awesome that we have tools we can learn and apply so we can move through these situations with the best possible outcome, which is a new and better role! Thank you Christy, and all your staff, for pressing on and providing your insights to raise us up, one by one!
“Ok, I’ll do my best to make this as succinct as possible. 🙂”
The beautiful Christy Whitman came into my life at precisely the right time. Thank you Christy!!! I am forever and eternally grateful to you. I was in the middle of an acrimonious divorce that seemed as though it would never conclude. I found myself in the most bizarre of situations. My ex would not leave the house and we endured three, very long years under the same roof. My two beautiful and highly intuitive children were witness to every move. There were countless court appearances filled with lies, theatrics and very low vibrational energy. I made the guided, clear and conscious decision to be a deliberator creator and move full force ahead with creating what I wanted.
I wanted my children to be the receivers of light, love and the absolute knowing that they have the power to manifest anything they desire. I also wanted to go HOME. Home to California where my children were born, where my family, friends and support system resided. Where my children and I belonged! My soul let me know that this was the right choice. It wasn’t the easy choice, but it was the right one for my family. See, we were in New Jersey at the time and my ex forbade us from moving back. Every lawyer, mediator, custody evaluator, judge, friend and stranger told me I was crazy for having this desire. Apparently, it was an insurmountable task to win a “removal” case. (Relocating/returning home with children). I chose to listen to my inner being instead and dedicate myself to my desire and Christy’s Magnetizing and Manifesting program. The moment that I began her program I could feel my desire morph into an authentic knowing. I listened to the meditations in the morning, before bed, at the grocery store, walking the dog, in the school pick up line, the airplane etc. Christy was with me, guiding me every step of the way. Through her processes, worksheets and mediations I formed a new positive belief/ knowing that I would indeed be home soon. I spent quality time “mixing up my magic” in my tiny, little, bedroom cave in NJ. I did my work and followed her program to a tee. Guess what? I am now writing this testimonial from my sweet, comfortable home in CA. DID IT! So on to the next manifestation……After I received the news that the kiddos and I were allowed to leave NJ and return to CA, I now had to manifest a place to live. I had to to it quickly. My desire was to return to approximately the same area where we moved from as the schools are amazing and it would be familiar to all of us.
The rental market was insanely competitive and I was not in a position to buy. Everyone told me, “this is going to be tough, there is nothing available, especially with a dog.” “You will have to live in an apartment for a while.” Again, I chose to listen my inner being and did Christy’s Magnetizing and Manifesting program for the second time. I moved through it quicker this time. I proclaimed to the Universe that I would have a rental home and a new, white, Jeep in the driveway by July 1 or sooner. All within a comfortable budget. I had a trip planned to San Francisco in early May to “take care of business.” As I was boarding the plane, I received a text from the property manager stating. “ you have been approved for the home and by the way, the rent is $284 less/mo. than we anticipated. WHOA on many levels. This house is located in exactly the school zone that I desired for my children (there are 21 elementary schools in this particular area!) Woo hoo! OMG! When I landed in SF, I received an email that my friend’s cousin happens to own a Jeep dealership in the Bay Area and he would be happy to help me out. Yup, you guessed it. I have that Jeep at a discounted price and it all happened through absolute ease and grace. Thank you Christy for reminding me of my abilities. You are an absolute gift to the Universe and a gift to me.

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