Two Workshops
May 11th & 18th at 9am-12pm PT / 12-3 ET
Replays of Workshops Added To Your Member Library
You will make contact with a guide, discover how to verbally communicate with your guide or receive inner messages, bring through messages for yourself and others, tune into another person, channel about the future, and more.
The Council will join their energy with yours to assist you in meeting and channeling your guide.
This is an experiential course taught by The Council. You will have a mentorship with The Council and your guides.
Party With Your Guides Weekend (Virtual): May 25th – 26th (9am – 12pm PT / 12-3pm ET) This Party with Your Guides Virtual Weekend immersion will solidify the connection with each participant’s guides. The Council will be the conductor of the expanded collective with processes, healing, and celebrating together the co-creative partnership already developed.
Yours Absolutely FREE When
You Join Us For Meet &
Connect With Your Guides
Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.
For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.
Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.
As the New York TImes Bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and the messenger for The Council speaking and mentoring us through Energy Mastery, Christy & The Council will give you an experience that no other spiritual beings have experiences while being in a human container.

Jennifer McLean, Host of Healing with the Masters

Sheri Salata, Author, Speaker, Producer

After taking responsibility for the years of resistance between my sister and I and finally being ready to face it, I reached out to Christy Whitman. I knew this was something I did not want to face alone because it was buried deep and the emotional pain was too intense for me to even try to heal alone.
Christy invited me to one of her healing calls where she channels through The Christy & The Council. I was a little nervous before the session as I had never consciously communicated directly with spiritual beings before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, however, I knew I was in safe hands with Christy and I totally trusted her!
The Christy & The Council felt that I had many places in my body where I was holding resistance without me even mentioning it to them!
They helped me find and release the shame and guilt that I had been repressing since the age of 13 when my father yelled at me infront of my 8 year old sister. I couldn’t believe it, decades of physical pain around my solar plexus literally released there and then during the call! I had no idea that it was shame.
They also helped me find and release the energy of undeserving and regret that I had repressed and buried very deep when I tried to end my life at the age of 27. I had been pushing my sister away since then because I believed I caused her pain. The Christy & The Council guided me to process the emotions that I had never faced.
They helped me to release the emotional pain I had been suffering with and replaced it with light, love and gratitude which I never thought I could ever feel about this particular event.
The entire experience has transformed me emotionally, mentally and physically!
My relationship with my sister is healing and I feel free and safe to love her and receive her love too.
I am forever grateful to Christy and The Christy & The Council.”
Nicky Mehta

When I started working with Christy in December, I was experiencing a lot of lower level vibration thoughts, feelings and beliefs that were ready to be brought up, processed and released, but, I was very tired, full of anxiety and frustrated with how basically unhappy I was feeling in my daily life. After working with her through December and now being a part of the Vice Freedom program, I have lost 10 pounds (without trying!), seen changes that SPONTANEOUSLY started manifesting, without me “doing” it (translation – manipulating/controlling/forcing). My whole life has been about pushing, striving, achieving and making things happen (HA!), and with Christy, I’m learning to collaborate with my life partner (my SOUL), and allow the flow of Divinity/Universal Love/Spirit to flow through and with me. I cried the first time Christy/The Council shared “life partner” as being ME…..that is the life I want, and am ready to co-create! I know I have a lot of clearing, releasing and healing to continue to do, but for the first time, my life is changing and moving in ways I never believed possible.
Finally, the level of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional integrity inherent in Christy weaves its way through the glorious tapestry of her work and creates rich depth, color, vibration and health into every moment you spend with her, YOU will be changed forever! So grateful and so blessed to be a part of her programs! ”
K. Ransom

I want to personally thank you and the Council for helping me along the way. The talk was last night and I am happy to share that we exceeded the room capacity in attendance (60 people). I felt excited, energized, prepared and confident going into the presentation. Without question, I attribute this “new confidence” to working with you one-on-one as well as the meditation series you have been doing (and of course all of my previous training with you).
Leading up to last night’s presentation, I could feel the Council’s presence. And at times, they clearly came through in the early wee hours of the morning (as I was awakened with messages). I am so thankful that they were with me and have helped me strengthen my own connection with my own divine.
It never ceases to amaze me of the timing that the Council’s teachings correspond to what I needed at that moment. In just February alone, this has never been truer. Just today, when the Council did a “sharp turn healing process”…perfect timing as I was in such a whirlwind after last night’s presentation. I definitely needed to regroup and reground and the healing helped to calm me back down. I loved the meditation the other day with the circles of light down our spine. I have been using that every day since intentionally activating those areas as needed. WOW, we are really expanding our learning of concepts that are so advanced that I feel such a deep privilege to be a part of.
You, Christy, rock! The Council rocks! I’m excited about what my future holds for me and the infinite possibilities that are in front of me. I have already had two people approach me asking if I would do the same presentation to other groups. I had many people signing up for my services. FYI, I did a plug for you and your book “7 Essential Laws”. Some people came up and took pictures of the book to go buy it. They might be checking out your website…I hope they do!
Love to you and the Council,”
Kim Silverman

Jill Younglove

Hardy Hasenfuss

Tonya Vaughn

As a lifelong self-development enthusiast, I was quite familiar with the Law of Attraction but still knew, somewhere, I was missing pieces of the puzzle. After working with Christy, as I said, I
feel like a new person inside and out. The anger and hurt has dissipated and I know have the tools to take care of that inner voice.
The results being: I’m building a business with my husband that is fun, fulfilling and profitable and I have healed decades old (and even generations old) wounds and transmuted so much energy that I feel a sense of freedom I have honestly never known.
No matter what challenges you may have, I recommend you allow Christy to be your guide. I can tell you from experience, she will teach you, support you and assist you with the transformation that has been waiting and whispering in your ear.
PS: Her entire team ROCKS!!!”
Sue Ellen Ewing

At first, I was not sure to join the “Healing Room Wealth”, and it was during a conversation with The Council that made me aware that I assumed that the money I already had would be all the money I would ever have, and so I hold onto the money … not exactly a state of flow and abundance, right? So I dared the leap into the healing room! What a blessing!
At every session I was so deeply touched and so delighted with the insights we gained as a group and the very individual support from Council! Over the weeks I have become so calm about the topic of money, I have gained great confidence about the “All is Well” and a vision has emerged for me and my future that initially surprised me and now motivates, supports, and calms me. I thank these beings, I thank Christy & The Council, who made this possible! Thank you so much!””
Antje Black

Before I started working with Christy I was having problems sleeping through the night and felt horrible for having ruined the opportunity of a lifetime. I quit working on my Doctorate which had been a long term dream of mine to take a job in paradise. Weeks after uprooting my family and moving to the U.S. Virgin Islands I left a handsomely paid position to return to “nothing” in the U.S. I was in a place of pain and felt immobilized.
After I began working with her I let go of the shame, this at least got me moving. After I was no longer “stuck” I was able to gain back some trust in myself. I slept through the nights like a baby and healed tremendously. I gained the courage to seek her help and she delivered beyond what I could have imagined. Christy along with the Council helped me see my own Divinity and deservedness. Once my eyes were opened up the endless pit of needing to prove myself with degrees, titles and accomplishments vanished. In it’s place was so much.”
Kashia M.

Dr. Mary Ozegovich

Before I started working with Christy, I was stuck living in a place of fear and feeling like a victim to my circumstances. I was anxious and struggling with toxic relationships that drained the life out of me. I felt overwhelmed with stress and was constantly taking on other people’s energy and didn’t even know that I was doing that. I felt run down and had chronic sinus infections and was constantly tired.
After working with her, I now know who I am and I have learned how to recognize and release ownership of other people’s problems back to them. I have learned to drop the stress and drama and live in peace and harmony. I appreciate and value boundaries in my life and clarity in communication. I have loving healthy relationships. I value and honor myself and embrace my spiritual gifts. I have learned how to be the master of my energy and to stay neutral in conflicts. I understand my energetic boundaries and have released and healed “mountains” of stuck energy.
My life is so amazing now. I feel so light and so free. I am extremely grateful for this magnificent well thought out program with useful tools and strategies that empower me to handle life confidently. I love knowing that I am not a victim. I have choices and I have the tools to stay out of the drama triangle and can choose to live in the circle of love. This has transformed my life in amazing ways and I am forever grateful to Christy Whitman for her important part in my journey of healing.”
Rhonda Richard

Interestingly, the changes in me started subtly at first when suddenly I realized that the gnawing feeling I have always had in the pit of my stomach (my second chakra/emotional center) was just gone (!) and I started to feel ease inside of myself for the first time. Then I realized that rather than triggering an anxiety attack, meditation now settles me. I am calmer, less reactive, more curious, thoughtful, and happier. Over the months I have come to see my life through eyes of Abundance, Success, Well-Being and Love, and in so doing, rewrite some of the limiting narrative I was telling myself. I’m a more compassionate partner to my husband, a more loving friend and sister, and a more confident, intuitive professional. Best of all, I am gaining an understanding and acceptance of the Council’s teaching that we are each infinitely loved. How wonderful to sit in that love and begin to fully embody what it means for the first time!
As a high-performer raised with the message that I was never quite good enough, it has taken many months of daily reminders and processes with the Council to begin to shift my belief about my value. It is amazing to realize that the very things I have always been told to be less of are the very ways I am unique and Divinely inspired. I feel more creative, powerful, expressive and safe. I am now able to take a really deep breath for the first time (all the way down in my belly) and relax into the knowledge that I am a co-creator with Divine and all that I need is available to me. The world is opening to me. There is power in daily practice. There is power in the Quantum Council.
Thank you Christy!”
Kimberly Gilbey
Huge, HUGE thank you to Christy and The Council. I took the oxygen off at 10:35 and shut the concentration down at 12:20. I am not turning it back on today, tonight, or at any other time.
This healing began in SCL on Monday! I am in awe and astonishment.”
Karen Diehl

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