Your Magdalene Transmission
With Christy Whitman
Guided and Supported By The Council of Light
…without old patterns and cellular memories of lack, feeling unsafe to truly be seen, perfectionism, or holding intimacy (and Source) at arm’s length
January 9-12th
Limited to 20 Goddesses
The Guides and I are calling together a council of Transformational Manifestors for a heart-opening journey to Scottsdale to Fully Realize sacred union with ourselves, others, and Source as we anchor and embody a new paradigm in Divine Relationships through our desires and manifestations.
Together, we will co-create with the sacred energies, the magical support of YOUR Guides, and the sacred Council of Light for your next evolutionary stage in consciousness and actualize deep, nourishing, Divine Relationships that skyrocket success in all spheres of our personal and professional lives…
HELLO-Divine Manifestations:)
…without feeling the push and pull of intimacy ceilings or the cellular memories, traumas, and old patterns of holding back, shutting down, feeling unseen or unsupported that prevent us from fully opening our hearts to the Divine Relationships we are now ready to call forward and deepen into.

The Guides and I are calling together a council of Transformational Manifestors for a heart-opening journey to Scottsdale to Fully Realize sacred union with ourselves, others, and Source as we anchor and embody a new paradigm in Divine Relationships through our desires and manifestations.
Together, we will co-create with the sacred energies, the magical support of YOUR Guides, and the sacred Council of Light for your next evolutionary stage in consciousness and actualize deep, nourishing, Divine Relationships that skyrocket success in all spheres of our personal and professional lives…
HELLO-Divine Manifestations:)
…without feeling the push and pull of intimacy ceilings or the cellular memories, traumas, and old patterns of holding back, shutting down, feeling unseen or unsupported that prevent us from fully opening our hearts to the Divine Relationships we are now ready to call forward and deepen into.
This sacred journey is a multidimensional experience that truly begins the moment you say YES!
Manifesting Goddess Retreat in Scottsdale, Arizona, January 9-12th at the fabulous Boulder Resort.
Fun, Adventure, Expansion, and Connection at Past Goddess Events.

Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.
For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.
Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.
Going Through This Experience With Christy & The Council Will Help You Activate All levels of the Energy Body To include Your Auric Field, Etheric, Celestial And Causal Bodies.
As the New York TImes Bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and the messenger for The Council speaking and mentoring us through Energy Mastery, Christy & The Council will give you an experience that no other spiritual beings have experiences while being in a human container.

In the recent past envy, jealousy and belief in competition and limited resources, ideas which are constantly reinforced in my professional industry, were winning out over my natural essence. I had started to believe these things were real, and to forget who I was. After the Virtual Goddess Retreat I returned back to my authentic self. I recommitted to sharing my platform freely. I refuse to invest precious time and emotion in worrying about the notion that in giving my team members the chance to succeed I am being foolish, diminishing myself or giving away my power. Ideas like dog eat dog, and don’t share face-time, or the presenter is the only valuable person (not the people that researched and created the presentation for the presenter) are not for me. I am not willing to live from that place for even one more day, because the only day we have ever have is today.
Before Virtual Goddess I gave things my very best shot, and then oftentimes gave up. I felt marginalized, invisible, and like my power was collapsing in on itself. I felt like I couldn’t possibly explore the full expression of my leadership, and that I was wasting time believing that I could have any impact at all in such a space of systemic, unconscious gender bias. Now I know through my own experience that there are new, unique pathways forward that are found by embracing the divine feminine. The landscape we are in is calling us to bring forth these new, higher order resolutions.
Another hugely important part of Virtual Goddess is having a safe and powerful environment for forgiving, really forgiving myself and others, and inviting the space in for others to forgive me. Before participating in Virtual Goddess I convinced myself that I had done the work to process and let go of negativity stored in past relationships. The deep release of this work showed me that I hadn’t. I am so much freer and lighter now to live and love in the present movement, and all of my relationships have jumped to new levels. The Virtual Retreat is worth much more than price of admission just for the incredible processes devoted to forgiveness, release and letting go. The intuitive leaps made by embracing my inner Goddess are so expansive, holistic and bigger than anything I have achieved through traditional goal setting and other linear approaches to success. The bonds formed amongst all of us that participated are filled with love, mutual support and incredible advancement of our skills in areas that are totally new to me through our Virtual Goddess extension program. Thank you Christy and the Council for this amazing opportunity!”
Aleta G.

The word Goddess in “Goddess Rising Retreat” was a call to my inner knowing. I signed up—ready to experience healing and playtime with other Goddesses. Five girlfriends died within a short span of time. Between caregiving for my 94 year old mother, being a minister’s wife, and having a full time psychotherapy practice, women-to-women time had been a longing. The Goddess weekend was the fulfillment of this desire. Twelve of us Light Beings connected soulfully with each other. We were present for The Council to love on and we got a download of it. Wave after wave of Light Healing came. The Council ignited Love in each of us.
The Council heard all my Intentions. I was taken through a process where I was able to declare from my core: I AM ENOUGH, I AM WORTHY. This truth is not because of accomplishments, but because there’s energy available for me and I fully acknowledge my Divine. I can love every part of me, honor myself, and move towards freedom.
If you have an opportunity to attend, Spoiler Alert: You’ll receive special focused 1 on 1 attention from The Council while benefitting all. You’ll leave with life changing gifts to last you a lifetime. You’ll have your deepest goals activated. You may receive a seed of ecstatic bliss to plant into your emotional body. You might get a sacred magic wand. There’s Quantum leaping.
Quotable quotes from The Council that can be used as mantras are: The full embodiment of the Christ Consciousness and the Magdalene consciousness will forever change how I perceive myself as a human woman. I have power over my body like an energetic girdle. Enough with feeling not enough! Love myself the way the Divine does. Live above matter and form! All it takes to shift is Light! I am important, I am enough, I am valuable—there’s no higher truth.
I will continue to look at people through the eyes of the Divine Masculine Compassionate Christ. I have Divine Feminine Mary of Magdalene codes activated in every cell of my body to keep me pregnant with creative abilities to bring ideas into my 3D reality. My Magical Child is full of imaginative play, wonder, and expansiveness. She’s fearless and open to everything. I stay in this Prism Trilogy and Temple of Light—heart open, and in receiving mode for optimal living and freedom.
After 12 hours of rising to higher levels, our journey was complete. The Council declared we all were an Explosion of Light. How’s that for a Goddess weekend experience? And so it is!”
Priscilla K.
Gloria P.
Claudine P.
I know I will face doubt and fear again. This time I am armed with tools to fight it off.
The group of women were all so incredible. Everyone shared openly. It was one of the most incredible events I have ever been a part of. I will go again. Incredible is the only word I can think of that might, maybe come close to describing the feelings during Goddess Rising.
Thank you, Christy and The Council. I am truly a changed woman. I feel the change and freedom from my pit of doubt. I am high and happy to quote the Council.”
Kathy S.
Laura P.

10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(888) 551-3121
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