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Discover Resource Library: Daily Quotes, Win Win Women Show, Desire Factor Podcast, 7 Essential Laws Videos
Surprise and Delights
$7/ per month
Watch Your Words Continuation – Days 11-30
New Surprise and Delights
Pre-Recorded Monthly Meditation
$27/ per month
BONUS: Drama To Love Video 30-Day Series (receive on day 30)
Additional Surprise and Delights
$27 Promo Code each month for 1-time use in the online store *
BONUS: 30 Days of QS Meditations Replay Series
Monthly Quantum Light Shifts (Live with replay included)
Quarterly Q&A with Christy & The Council
Discover Resource Library: Daily Quotes, Win Win Women Show, Desire Factor Podcast, 7 Essential Laws Videos
Surprise and Delights
$70/ per year
Watch Your Words Continuation – Days 11-30
New Surprise and Delights
Pre-Recorded Monthly Meditation
$270/ per year
BONUS: Drama To Love Video 30-Day Series (receive on day 30)
Additional Surprise and Delights
$27 Promo Code each month for 1-time use in the online store *
BONUS: 30 Days of QS Meditations Replay Series
Monthly Quantum Light Shifts (Live with replay included)
Quarterly Q&A with Christy & The Council
Discover Membership… You are starting to apply the laws of the universe and creating more of an awareness of how to deliberately design your awesome future. Join us in a ‘one stop spot’ with resources shared and taught by a master teacher and coach who has been applying these principles for 25+ years. This complimentary membership is for you if you are interested in expanding your life, as you are looking for something better or different.
Illuminate Membership… Do you desire to go deeper and to stay connected so you can consistently increase your vibration with a loving and supportive community? You are open to meditation and would enjoy inspirational pop in’s every now and again by Christy. You love that the surprise and delights are now all in one place in this membership area.
Enlighten Membership… Designed for those that want to stay plugged in and are open to the higher messages from The Council. You are interested in utilizing this information to understand and apply it at a whole different level for yourself and in shifting your relationships in Light as you operate from the circle of Love.
Ascend Membership… This is for seekers who are passionately committed to their higher Light path. You are eager for deeper understanding of who you are with a willingness to be reminded of your power and Light. Support with processes and techniques from Christy, as well as the guidance of The Divine Quantum Council of Light.