Be My Guest for Days 1 to 3 of a 30 Day Meditation Series.
Divination: Returning and Connecting to Your Divine Lineage. You will discover how to release all the imprints from your societal, cultural, religious, and family lineage.
You will enjoy the results of attracting all good things in an overflowing way, and continually experience the joy of abundant living.
The sessions are held through a private and exclusive Facebook Live page or a private Zoom session (you choose how to connect).

About Your Host, Christy Whitman
Christy Whitman is the channel for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success and loving and supportive relationships.
For over fifteen years and before channeling The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch.
Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.