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Yes, I am Ready For Divine Presence & Power!

Theme for October: Divine Presence & Power

October 1st

October 2nd

October 3rd

Christy & The Council will take you through processes and meditations every day for 30 days so that you can be the conscious, and deliberate co-creator of your life working in the alignment to create your best life with Light.

This will translate into well-being, abundance, success, and love in your life, which are all part of your Divine Design!

The sessions are held through a private and exclusive Facebook Live page or a private Zoom session (you choose how to connect).

These videos will also be available for you on a private replay page. You can access them any time you need a “pick me up” or what my clients refer to as a “Christy & The Council fix”, or if you can’t join the daily practice live.

The energy is so intense right now that we need to intentionally and deliberately choose the energy we want to connect with.

And it starts with having awareness, understanding, and knowledge about how to create your best life with Light which may have been limited due to programming, and to release the imprints.

Get out of the fear and uncertainty with what is happening inside of yourself and out in the world. Let this be your gift to yourself be about living from your love body and releasing your pain body.

We will be doing these meditations and energy healings for deepening your activation of your best life with Light.

You will enjoy the results of attracting all Light things in an overflowing way, and continually experience the joy of abundant living.

You are infinitely loved,

30 Days of Quantum Success

Meditations Testimonials

30 Days of Quantum Success
Meditations Testimonials

“This program has been absolutely incredible!.”

Dear Christy, I seriously think you should turn the entire Vice program series into one of the courses that you offer in the quantum success. I can’t believe we all got to do this at such a minimal cost for 2 months. Aside from the fact that this has cleared up so much of my habit to go to that place of ‘worry’, I am so much happier and more connected. Not to mention the fact that I’ve been able to share so much of what I learned over the past 2 months with my Law of Attraction Meetup Group and seen the benefits that they have received as well. I have already received emails from three different people telling me how some of the processes that I shared with them has made such a distinct change in their life. And now on to the material rewards… starting after the second week of the vice program, when I started releasing my worry, I have attracted so much money that I am now completely credit card debt free for the first time since 2002 and I have been able to pay for a complete remodeling of the master bedroom in the house we just moved into. I have also been able to join in the Goddess weekend and the Channeling program because of my financial success. In addition, I feel the relationships in my life have improved so much and I feel myself being able to help other people by just being a shining example of joy and success. Thank you so much for offering all that you do! I also love to see all the ways you are enjoying your success with your family and with your travels. You are not only an incredible mentor and teacher but you are an incredible role model!


“I’ve been having breathing issues for at least 40 years. On and off. Lately it became worse because now I have to wear a mask which puts additional stress on my lungs and respiratory system.”

To make long story short:

Of course, I knew of the connection between lungs and sadness and worked on healing it over the years. With not much success.

At the same time, for some unknown reason, I never heard or made a connection between lungs and grief.

Apparently these are two completely different emotions energetically At least in my case. So when I listened to the meditation on Sadness and Grief, I only worked with Grief, and in mediation , I felt as if a boulder was lifted and removed from my chest. It’s hard to describe. Frankly, I cannot even remember when I felt this huuuge openness in my lungs and chest. Seems like lifetimes of grief were lifted off me, allowing me to breathe without a strain. I can not explain it in any other way than a miracle!

Alla Kalyuzhny

“I am a 71-year-old woman who was diagnosed with several serious, life-threatening diseases over the years. When it became glaringly obvious that traditional medical interventions offered me no hope of improving my overall health, in early 2019 I committed to healing my body energetically using the Laws of the Universe.”

However, it wasn’t until I was led to the work of Christy Whitman and the Council of Light in May 2021 that I began to experience physical evidence that I was making progress toward achieving my goal of the full restoration of my Divine Health.

I have taken advantage of virtually every program Christy offers:

  • 2 Four-Hour Healing Events
  • Quantum Energy Mastery
  • Sacred Circle of Light
  • Vice Freedom Program
  • Freedom From Co-dependency
  • Monthly Quantum Shifts
  • and nine months of the 30-Day Meditation Series

In other words, I have faithfully done my part of the healing work while my Divine Partner (The Council) has more than done their share of the work as well.

To date I’ve experienced these clear signs of what I call *EVIDENCE* that every bit of my commitment has yielded tremendous gains:

  • Reduction in well over 50% of the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs;
  • Eliminated the need for the 24-hours a day/7-days a week supplemental oxygen that I had been using for over 22 months;
  • Eliminated the need to use the walker that I had relied on to walk farther than ten feet unaided over the past 18 months;
  • Experienced deep emotional healings from traumatic memories and spiritual imprints of long, long-standing too numerous to list in detail,
  • Manifested financial gain to the point where we are now completely debt-free;
  • And, just as importantly, strengthened, deepened, and expanded the emotional relationship I have with my beloved husband of over 50-years.

In other words, thanks to the teachings of Christy and The Council, my entire life has shifted 180 degrees! I AM filled to overflowing with joy because of the Divine ENERGY, LIGHT, and LOVE that infills and surrounds me.

I AM deeply satisfied, filled with joyful expectancy, and eagerly anticipating whatever Surprises and deLIGHTS await me as I move forward with Christy and The Council into my future Self.

Karen Diehl

“It’s been a wonderful experience working with Christy and the Council of light in the meditation series, Master your own energy.”

Every morning for the last four months, I have experienced a beautiful connection with my divine self, my soul self and my ego self. feelings of love and gratitude for my life partner, which through doing the meditations I’ve realised is myself.

Learning ways to master my own energy, releasing energies that are not serving me, releasing aches and pains from my body that I didn’t know was just stuck energy/emotions, through doing these meditations my aches and pains are managed by how much time I spend going within. I’ve fallen in love with myself for the first time. I feel empowered and forever changed by being a part of these meditations and the knowledge I have gained, for now that I know what’s possible I can never not know, that I am the master of my own energy. I am the one.

I love how the meditations set me up for whatever I had to face in my day, the warm fuzzies I felt everyday by being among other like minded souls on the same journey. I’ve noticed a calmness to my being, more compassionate to others, I’ve gained confidence, wisdom, strength and love for the human behaviour that I can show at times. I loved how the council wrapped me in love. I loved Christy’s smiling face, her humour and openness. Time zones prevented me doing the live meditations which didn’t change the love energy at all.

Even though the programme is coming to an end and I will miss Christy and the council, I have every intention of starting the meditation series over again from the beginning, I loved the meditations that much, every part of it.

I’d recommend this programme to anyone that wants to grow and expand their awareness, knowledge and love of self. It is life changing. Next time I will participate in the whole programme not just the meditations, I can see myself with the funds to do so.

Jane Walters

“I cannot recommend this highly enough, just do it, you owe it to yourself.”

Today will be day 17 of my second venture into this extraordinary, expansive and love-filled space. I am booking the next one too, this says it all. I love being a part of this group of like-minded souls all deeply focused on their personal growth. Christy’s beautiful sense of fun and warm personality always brings a smile to my face and I love celebrating with her as she sees the first person join, as I know we all do. The place I inhabit now is so far removed from when I started that I just want to keep on going. Her processes and meditations are wonderful, like coming home. Like a pebble dropped into a still pool, the ripples are far-reaching ((( ❤ )))

Souli Yates

“I’m eternally grateful for Christy’s and the group’s energy”

I love the Divine timing of Christy’s initial 30 days of Quantum Success. It was such a natural decision to embrace Christy’s invitation and spend every morning with her in December. It was the perfect opportunity to slow down and embody the essence of energy she was sharing. With Christy’s intuitive reading of the group, she instinctively always has the perfect process of meditation for the collective. It was such an obvious decision to participate in January and continue with the infusion of awareness that comes with her daily coaching and meditations. I’ve experienced so much peace and increased awareness during the past several weeks together and look forward to further expansion as she proceeds with additional coaching and meditations.

There is such a beautiful connection that happens every morning with so many wonderful and Divine Spirits. Have a beautiful day… AND THANK YOU!

Theresa Tomasini

“In deep gratitude that my way led me into her community.”

Through Christy the 7 Essential Laws become palpable as if she is breathing life into them, and she herself is the walking-around example for them to work, a joy to watch and follow.

The daily meditations and healings are nothing less than a blessing for me. Christy is crystal-clear, has an infectious humor, and illustrates her teachings with vivid and easy-to-get personal stories and examples.

And last but not least, she is an open channel for the loving guidance from the higher realms through the Council of Light, what seemingly intensifies and multiplies her healing abilities.

Elke Ratsch

“I am thankful that I invested in me.”

This Facebook group is a great way to make an investment in yourself. You are so worth it.

Rachael Jensen

“I have been a part of this experience several times now and it only gets better.”

I love the energy of the meditations and all the releasing of old stuff that comes up. I look forward to every month when the meditations are given. Thank you, Christy and the Council for raising my vibration this way.

Matilda Orrling

“I was thinking about coaching and the reason people are more successful with coaches (and when they pay for a program or invest in themselves).”

I think it boils down to one thing: Accountability.

This morning when I was paying for my monthly meditation sessions — which I was doing so joyfully — because they keep me grounded and yes, accountable—to myself and to my future self. I see all of that so much more clearly when I regularly meditate and stay connected to Christy’s tribe. Staying close—no matter what the program is the trick to staying on track and in alignment.

Jennifer Friebely

“I spent a wonderful year with you and the Council!”

I spent a wonderful year with you and the Council!

I love your “30 Days of Meditations” program: only 20 minutes a day, and so effective and uplifting and life-changing!

This year was a special one for the entire world and thanks to all the tools I got from you and the Council I was able to find inner peace, balance, strength and courage in the midst of a lot of chaos.

You were with me every single day, since January 1st, even during the months where there were no live meditations. During these months I was just relistening to past programs and they were as effective as when you and the Council were live. Even more, I would say, as my consciousness level has shifted in between.

I learned to listen to and to express my needs, to say when I feel hurt, to stay with my emotions and, probably the most important shift for me, to forgive and to have compassion. I learned to stay out of the drama triangle of my family and what was amazing for me was that being in the circle of light (so out of the drama triangle) I was able to listen to them with detachment and even to bring them some comfort.

I am so grateful for all the light you brought into my day to day life! Thank you, Christy! Thank you, Council!

Carmen Draghici

“I have been a client and fan of Christy’s for many years, and have evolved along with her and her work as it has evolved.”

I have always been passionate about manifesting and the law of attraction, so I have loved all of her teachings around that subject, including a certification in her Creating Money course. I have participated in several programs of Christy’s, I absolutely resonate with her work, her message and her story. I have done several of the monthly meditations with Christy and with Christy and the Council. Each and every time I spend a month doing the meditations, something amazing happens in my life, I have gotten new jobs, raises in my current jobs, been able to quiet my mind and just about get rid of any anxiety that I had been experiencing.

I have also spent a morning with Christy and the Council in a small group setting in Arizona, and it was a wonderful experience. Not only did I experience my own healing when I got the opportunity to ask the Council a question, but every person that asked a question and got to spend some time with the Council, I feel like I experienced a healing from their message as well.

I believe I have read all of her books, and possibly my favorite at this point is The Art of Having It All, but I can’t wait for the Desire Factor to come out, it’s sure to be amazing as well.

I feel like Christy is a close friend, because of her warm and relatable style of teaching, and as you can probably tell I am a big Christy Whitman fan, she brings a wonderful, positive energy to everything she does.

Christine Walker

“This month of meditations with the Council has been the best so far!.”

I feel like the Council has blown the doors open and given us the truth about what we have been taught. They take my breath away with the topics- I feel like the flood gates are open and 5D is present.

So Glad I Signed up!

Wendy Carlin

“I had been in a dark place for a while, however, after attending 30 days of QS meditation many shifts occurred and things became so much clearer to me.”

During and after the work with Christy I had numerous ideas for my own journey in connecting with my purpose. I am very thankful for the help in clearing my energy and how the speed of my journey has taken form in a very enjoyable way with ease and grace.

Jennifer Waller

“16 Days into 30 Days of Quantum Success and I am feeling amazing.”

I find myself looking forward to each and every day with excitement. I am usually a fairly positive person, waking up happy and being in a generally good mood most of the time. I recently found myself a bit off track and wanting to find a way back. This program was the perfect jump start to getting on track to meet my goals for 2017. And more importantly, getting me back. I absolutely love every single process and meditation and will listen to some of them multiple times. Sometimes I will even have the recording running on one PC while I’m working on another PC and can’t keep from smiling when I catch Christy celebrating “being live” through my peripheral vision. It’s a nice reminder for me to remember what I want my day to be like. Best of all, I thought, I really hope Christy offers this in February! Two days later, she announced she would be offering it in February! LOL Love fast turn around time on manifestation!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Pamela Schulte

“I have been with Christy since 2007, having so much incredible success with so many of her programs! I want to speak about her 30 Day Meditation series.”

I cannot begin to explain how valuable these series have been for me. In the first place, even after doing 15 years of energy play and coaching, I still like to have accountability for waking up and meditating first thing in the morning. Even if you listen to the recordings of the meditations, to suit your time zone and schedule, the energy is still as powerful and present as listening to it live. It gets me into the habit so that even after the series is complete, I find myself continuing the practice and listening to the recordings each morning. This brings me to the 2nd invaluable part of these series… each time I repeat the series, the energy play and information hits on a whole new level! I am currently repeating the most recent series and I am having a depth of experience that is so much more impactful than even the first time, and it was huge the first time! 🙂 Lastly, and most importantly, it is Christy and it is the Council! Need I say more! The energy, the vulnerability, the message, the delivery, the insight, the impact, the TRUTH and LOVE of it all makes these series what I look forward to most in my practice! Christy’s honesty and vulnerability in sharing her own experiences and humanity are so important to the connection she creates with everyone in attendance on each call. Christy has such a commitment to being there for everyone and connecting, with not only the message being delivered but how it impacts each of us, including herself! I am so grateful when she releases these 30 Day meditation series. I have not missed one yet and thanks to the way personal accounts are set up, I have a library of 100s of meditations to repeat and absorb on multiple levels! I share this all with so much gratitude and love!!!

Yael-Emily Hamilton

“I have been in four car accidents, three of which were life-threatening but I survived. This is the main reason I signed up for the “Healing The Central Nervous System” as I know I have trauma stored in my body.”

On November 16, after I had finished attending “Healing The Central Nervous System” live, I went out to run errands. At the last minute, a van decided to pull into my lane. I slammed on my brakes and my horn. When I looked over, the van was mere inches from my car. As Divine would have it, I was spared from another car accident.

My initial reaction was to turn around and go home. Even though I was shaken up, I decided to go about my day and finish running my errands. This was very shocking to me because I know that in the past, I would have returned home. Then the rest of the day I’d replay the “almost accident” again and again and avoid driving for a much as possible in the upcoming weeks, months and even years ahead. The “almost accident” is proof that attending the daily meditations is clearing up my nervous system so that I can live my life to the fullest. I am so grateful to Christy and The Council for all that they do!

Brenda Ley

“Have been going through some pretty terrific contrast while doing the Divine Codes meditations.”

Amazing stuff! Helps me really focus on what I want 🙂

Very thankful for all of the recordings!

I am deeply grateful for the work you have done with and for me.

The impact is impressive.

I was certain I would never be able to quiet my mind enough to actually get anywhere in meditation (and I had been “trying” for years), and I still have no idea when it happened, but your meditations don’t even give the mind the possibility to be distracted. The mind has to constantly listen and focus on imagining things, so there is no time for it to wander off.

And every meditation goes a little deeper, it is all laid out for you. No work at all.

Suddenly you notice that your mind is now able to be absolutely quiet. For long periods of time. Who would have known that visualization/desiring is so much fun-or even possible!!!

Your way is so perfect for me. So EXACTLY what I needed.


The breakthrough happened for me towards the end of the Vice Freedom meditations when it finally hit me what it means to be infinitely loved. Soon after, I heard you say that it really doesn’t matter what opinions others have of me, the only thing that is important is that God/Divine loves and adores me, my connection to the Divine. Suddenly crazy contrast started happening at work and I was/am the calm in the storm. I kept on having to check my breath to make sure I’m still alive.
That feeling was outer-worldly. That shift was AMAZING! I’m excited to see when it all starts popping!

As soon as I have released these sweet imprints that are reminding me that there is still more to uncover for me to welcome my financial abundance into my life, I will be joining you for other fun adventures!

I am so very thankful to you and your crew and am joyfully expecting a fun future together.

I am infinitely loved!

P.S. My students in grades 1-5, have totally gotten into doing the meditation you recorded for them. I wish I could film them to show you (maybe the Council can share with you how cool it is) how awesome it is to see these little people breath consciously, focus on feeling their heartbeats, feel loved and adored, and have an even better day because of you!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Annika Ziervogel

“Deeply grateful that I valued myself enough to be part of this amazing group.”

It says quantum in the title and that is truly what I experience each day of this program – openings, insights , life changing shifts EVERY day – all delivered with love, compassion and wisdom. Heartfelt thanks for creating this opportunity.

Mary Tudor

“For those ‘thinking’ about joining, don’t hesitate – just do it. You were called here for a reason – trust that.”

I’m not sure exactly how Christy actually does it but she always touches your heart and soul – just at the ‘right’ time – it’s amazing how that happens in such Divine timing 🙂 You will be connected to an AMAZING group of wonderful people who will also be there to support you through the entire month. All I can say is that you will go to unbelievable amazing places that you never knew existed and ‘YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN, the transformations are truly incredible’ … thank you Christy for once again putting something so incredibly amazing together – you are certainly one very blessed soul xxx love forever xx

Rani Rangimoekau

“I love the group energy, this has been well worth my investment.”

I am now on my second month of the 30 Days of Quantum Success and I am getting so much out of it, I will continue to join as long as Christy offers this group. To start every morning raising my vibration, and listening to Christy’s meditation or processes, is such a wonderful way to start the day. It helps to keep my vibration high throughout the day and I listen to the replay several times throughout the day, which I really love. In December, I just had the intuitive hit to join the group, and since then I have seen an increase in my business, peace and calmness throughout the holidays, which I really needed, and increase in my self-confidence, something that has been my goal going into the new year. I look forward to each and every morning, and if I ever have a question, Christy has been great about taking the time to clarify and answer. Thank you Christy!

Christine Sexton Walker

“30 Days of Meditations is strongly about connection and I’m hooked!”

Not only am I connected in a community with other fellow souls, I’m guided/ allow myself to connect “within”, especially within my heart, where I feel healing and transformation happening. The meditations are a safe place to release what needs to be released, so I can be more open to receive in more love. Christy and the Council shares practical principles, profound wisdom and transmits such nurturing, heartfelt love. I part with these short, effective meditations full of uplifting energy and daily affirmations to set the tone of gratitude for my day. Deeply thankful, Christy and the Divine Council!

Gloria Pasqualott

“I love being apart of Christy and The council’s community. Always looking forward to the next opportunity to grow alongside like minded souls.”

The 30days of Light play and co-creation every morning in meditation came just at the right time for me to co-create with my divine my heart centered business – following the light, living with passion and purpose in all sufficiency in all area’s of my life becoming every day a better version of myself in love, in light, in patience growing each day with pearls of wisdom and as the council says each day receiving little healings supports, expands and transforms who you are becoming, releasing old stuck energies and making room for the new. I love the ritual and I am extremely grateful.

Jane Walters

“Currently, I’m doing the recordings of the Divine Codes daily and I just wanted to let you know that I think they’re absolutely amazing!”

I plan on staying a part of Christy’s group as long as possible because she’s amazing and The Council of course is amazing! And I really miss the day-to-day interaction.

I just wanted to touch base and let you know about the Divine Code meditations really speak to me.

Luhrenna Kahrig

“When I returned to a more northern climate over 30 years ago I began experiencing SAD-seasonal affective disorder.”

After living in warmer climates with lots of sunny days, the return to winter weather with lots of dreary days pushed me into depression during January and February. This is the first year I have not experienced a winter depression in over 35 years. I attribute this to my work with Christy and the Council for the past 2 years. Actual proof of my energy change! Thank you Christy and the Council for this benefit and so many more!

Wendy Carlin

“Christy Whitman is wonderful!”

I did not have any definite issues that needed attention but while attending a 30 day QS meditation many things became so much clearer to me. During and after the work with her I had numerous new ideas for my own work. I am very thankful that she helped clearing my energy and speeded up my journey in a very enjoyable way.

Anja Schwarz

“There’s a lot I am grateful for, taking part in Christy’s QSCA, my soulmate came into my life.”

At the moment I joined 30 Days of meditation, a big transformation happened for me, I became worthy, I am worthy, it felt great for me! Thank you, Christy and the Council.

Annea Forsstrom

“I started to meditate with Christy because she is doing it differently and it is exactly the type of meditation that is the right fit for me.”

Meditations with Christy are fun and original. I remember when Christy mentioned that when she by some strange circumstance did not manage to meditate in the morning, her day unfolds then in a completely different way. Based on my personal experience and observation it is true also for me. Since I realized that I devote every morning 20 minutes of meditation with Christy where I set the energy and intention for that particular day. Christy says that it is more like a meditation and I can only agree with that. It is a gift for which I am deeply grateful. I am so glad that Christy is doing what she is doing and her work has had a profound impact on my life that I get to be enjoying nowadays.

Miroslava Skultety

“The courses that I have taken have helped me develop a deeper ownership of my ability to create the way I want to.”

I have worked with creating with energy first for many years and now have deepened my empowerment . I own and manage property and I am working on my second renovation of these properties, while I have been taking courses with Christy and the Council .

All steps of these projects have been clearly thought out, visualized, set with intentions, worked on an energy level and financed by me. With new knowledge from these courses I am much more empowered, confident and trusting of the process and calm as the contrasts show up. It is freeing to feel much more expansive and trusting of myself.

I have deep, heartfelt gratitude for the new knowledge that I have learned from Christy and the Council.

Barbara Hemmans

“Since starting the Nervous System meditations, I’ve noticed how I’m filled with joy most of the day for no apparent reason other than just being alive. It’s really lovely and I’m having great fun just hanging out with myself doing everyday ordinary things.”

Also, I’ve noticed that my oxygen levels are higher. I had childhood asthma and my lungs have been somewhat restricted since then. I check my oxygen level with my pulse oximeter once or twice a week and my oxygen level has gone from a fairly consistent 93 to 95, 96, and sometimes 97. I am just thrilled!!!

Thank you SO much for assisting me with these positive shifts in my life. I LOVE the morning meditations, the QEM classes, and the podcasts!!!

Dean Smith

“Thank you for these. I’ve had a couple life threatening accidents. Since I was 17 I had head trauma and seizures from a motorcycle accident where I flew 20 feet head first into a tree.”

Since then I’ve lived with migraines, nerve twitching and foggy brain.

I’m feeling different this past week. I can’t put it into words perfectly but it’s like my body is buzzing?! My neck feels warmer.

During yesterday’s meditation I did feel extreme nausea similar to what comes over me before a seizure but the council walked me through it at exactly the right time even though I was listening to the recording. I did not have a seizure.

I have felt tired most of my life and this morning I woke up, no headache and feeling energized… very unfamiliar to me but a wonderful feeling. Thank you thank you thank you.

Kimberly Keller Johnson

“HUGE feeling of FREEDOM and JOY!”

Deep Thank You for this thematic, that felt like an inner pressure that is now identified and I know how to address it when I feel it again.

Florence Reymond

“I found this to be a fabulous opportunity to undertake a lot of clearing and to gain spiritual growth.”

I enjoyed the meditations and writing the corresponding affirmations. My current work life and the effects of lockdown have impacted greatly on me personally this was a breath of fresh air to release negative energies that no longer serve me. Thank you, Christy and the Council.

Caren White

“The Freedom sessions for the month of May have truly been a game-changer.”

Not my first rodeo with Christy and her beloved Council, but such a deepening of the techniques and processes has occurred for me. Each morning, from the start of breathing in, I can feel the frequency of freedom pouring in, to each and every cell of my physical body, mental, emotional and light bodies as well. I will be listening to each day many more times. Thank you!

Jane Usher

“On December 31, 2021, I committed to myself that I would meditate EVERY DAY of 2022 with Christy and the Quantum Council, and I am so glad that I did! Christy’s Daily Quantum Meditations with the Council are transformational.”

Every meditation is powerful, and some call out to be repeated over and over. So far, I have spent seven months dedicated to Self-Love, Freedom, Light Play and Co-Creation, Divine Alchemy, Being my Higher Self, Vice Freedom and the Desire Factor. I am now on Day 210 and can see how sitting daily with the Council (sometimes live, and sometimes listening to recordings) is giving me exponential gains.

Interestingly, the changes in me started subtly at first when suddenly I realized that the gnawing feeling I have always had in the pit of my stomach (my second chakra/emotional center) was just gone (!) and I started to feel ease inside of myself for the first time. Then I realized that rather than triggering an anxiety attack, meditation now settles me. I am calmer, less reactive, more curious, thoughtful, and happier. Over the months I have come to see my life through eyes of Abundance, Success, Well-Being and Love, and in so doing, rewrite some of the limiting narrative I was telling myself. I’m a more compassionate partner to my husband, a more loving friend and sister, and a more confident, intuitive professional. Best of all, I am gaining an understanding and acceptance of the Council’s teaching that we are each infinitely loved. How wonderful to sit in that love and begin to fully embody what it means for the first time!

As a high-performer raised with the message that I was never quite good enough, it has taken many months of daily reminders and processes with the Council to begin to shift my belief about my value. It is amazing to realize that the very things I have always been told to be less of are the very ways I am unique and Divinely inspired. I feel more creative, powerful, expressive and safe. I am now able to take a really deep breath for the first time (all the way down in my belly) and relax into the knowledge that I am a co-creator with Divine and all that I need is available to me. The world is opening to me. There is power in daily practice. There is power in the Quantum Council.

Thank you Christy!

Kimberly Gilbey

“During the December daily meditation, Christy shared a personal experience where she used The Council infused bath bomb to bring in compassion to heal her heart from a bush whack that had happened with her mom.”

During the Christmas festivities, I overindulged in treats (fudge, cookies, chocolates, popcorn balls, etc.). I started to persecute myself (I can’t believe I’m doing this again when I’m so close to my ideal weight). I got angry at myself. This manifested in a burning feeling of a bladder infection, which I’ve experienced in the past. Through Christy and The Council’s teachings, I realized I was in the Drama Triangle of persecuting myself, making me a victim, and rescuing myself with sugar. It didn’t feel good. I felt out of control. I decided to do the same healing ritual Christy did with the bath bomb to bring in compassion, kindness and forgiveness of self while soaking in the tub.

I used The Council infused bath bomb to dissolve/pulse out the anger I was feeling towards myself through compassion. I also listened to the replay of the meditation. Wow! Within hours the burning sensation was gone. The daily meditations and applying the tools I’ve received have been transformative. Being part of Christy and The Council’s community has been the best decision and commitment I’ve made for myself. I’m filled with blissful abundance, joy, peace and compassion. I am living from my Power Center. I am so grateful for Christy, The Council and all the awareness and tools that I joyfully apply to my life.

Norren Lang Bryant

“A change for the better. It’s taken me a while to share this because I wasn’t really sure what was happening.”

I don’t know exactly when it happened, but somehow, throughout 30 days, my being was transformed into calmness. I noticed one day, when something happened that would normally send anger and upset through my body, it didn’t. While I was disappointed in the moment at what had transpired, there was no longer anger and upset coursing through my veins. I have been noticing this on several occasions. It’s almost as if anger can no longer affect my physical body. After a lifetime of reaction, this seems so strange. I am happy and extremely grateful to be in this new place.

I have also experienced a lifting of fear relating to a health condition. Before, when I would experience symptoms, my nervous system would go into panic mode. Now there is a calmness. Fear has lost its power.

Thank you Council and Christy Whitman.

Jennifer Coxworthy

No, thank you. I do not want.
100% secure your website.

No, thank you. I do not want.
100% secure your website.

No, thank you. I do not want.
100% secure your website.