Yes, Christy! I’m ready to know myself and my life as unlimited by releasing the vices holding me back.
Please enroll me in the 30-Day Vice Freedom Program, where I can also claim my SPECIAL BONUS of 30 Day of Quantum Success Meditation Replays..

Yes, Christy! I’m ready to know myself and my life as unlimited by releasing the vices holding me back.
Please enroll me in the 30-Day Vice Freedom Program, where I can also claim my SPECIAL BONUS of 30 Day of Quantum Success Meditation Replays..

The 30-Day Vice Freedom Program Will Help You Release a Vice … So You Can Continue Raising Your Vibration and Allowing In More Freedom.

Enroll Now To:


Identify a vice that is keeping you stuck and holding you back – especially the deeply rooted vice that underlines other bad habits.


Apply the 7 Essential Universal Laws at a deeper level for faster transformation and manifestation.


Experience firsthand how releasing a vice will shift your vibration and allow you to deliberately create the life you want.


Align with your highest self – and tap into your unlimited creativity.


Live in a state of joy and abundance.


And much more!

Here’s What’s Included In The Vice Freedom 30-Day Program So You Can Start 2022 in Light:


Daily LIVE connection with Christy Whitman

On Facebook Live broadcasts from January 8th through 30th. During these powerful 30-minute sessions each morning, Christy will offer a meditation or process to help you dive deeper into understanding the 7 Essential Universal Laws – and using them to start to let go of your vices. (A $1,000 Value)


The 30-Day Vice Challenge Activity Sheets

Full of exercises and space for you to capture your thoughts, ideas, insights and transformation. (A $50 Value)


2 LIVE Zoom Calls with Christy & The Council

Where you can ask questions, get coaching and learn from the insights Christy shares with other participants. (A $200 Value)


Recordings of each broadcast

In case you miss any sessions. Also listen to the meditations multiple times each day to keep your vibration high and your energy focused. (A $500 Value)


Access to The 30 Days of Quantum Success Meditation Replays – Activation of Divine Codes for Well-Being, Abundance, Success, and Love for February FREE ($197 Value).

30 Days of Quantum Success is delivered LIVE in a private Facebook group. In just 20 minutes a day, Christy will lead you through meditations and processes to help you connect with your Divine Self – and create energetic shifts that will empower you to deliberately create the life you want. You’ll:


Establish a stronger and deeper connection with your Divine Self – the eternal part of you that is constantly looking to expand and experience more.


Bring more love, peace, beauty, fun and joy into your daily life.


Facilitate deep healing and energetic shifts to you can raise your vibration.


Accelerate and amplify your ability manifest exactly what you want.


Feel happy in your own skin and life.


Get relief from the fear and uncertainty about what is happening in our world today.

The 30-Day Vice Freedom Program normally costs $497. Register by January 10th at 11:59 pm ET for the SPECIAL PRICE of $397 (a $100 Savings). You will also receive The 30 Days of Quantum Success Meditation Replays For February – Activation of Divine Codes for Well-Being, Abundance, Success, and Love ($197 value) as a SPECIAL BONUS!

Praise For



Sue Adams

Sue Adams

Transformational Success Coach

“My deep, deep appreciation for the 30-Day Vice Program, and *massive* gratitude for making available the recordings as mp3s. Thank you!

I’m 3 days behind, but awaken every morning ready to bask again in this co-creative energy of Christy, the Council, and everyone else.

I LOVE Christy’s willingness to share personal examples from her life experience, and notice how that really supports my connection with and embodiment of the wisdom downloads in this (at times challenging) Time-Space Reality we’re playing in – not to mention the feeling of intimacy, in general. So helpful!

I didn’t want to jump into a new month without expressing my boundless appreciation and BIG love to her, and for her commitment to follow the Energy… and to you all on the team for helping bring it to us.”

Heidi Smith

“I lost my son to suicide who is pictured in the middle of this photo a year and 2 months before I started working with Christy & The Council. I was depressed and starting drinking too much to kill the pain so when I stumbled upon the vice freedom program I thought it is time for a change. Christy mentioned her sister had committed suicide and it felt like a good match for me to try to regain my footing. There truly are no coincidences. I made a daily practice of listening to her class, meditations and studying “A Course in Miracles” every morning. It has given me so much strength. Even my girlfriend said “Something has changed in you Heidi, you seem very grounded and solid”. I am working on my book that I am hoping will be a guide for so many other parents who have suffered our kind of loss. He was a beautiful gentle soul and this world was so hard on him. He is now truly at peace and with Christy & The Council of lights help so am I. Thank you so much Christy, I truly believe this course set me on a new path in life. There are no words to express my gratitude.”

Abby Ampuja

Abby Ampuja

“This is my third year participating in the Vice Freedom Program–and I plan to continue every year! It is incredible how the simple tools and processes taught by Christy and the Council can create extremely powerful shifts in our thinking (and thus, our manifestation). It never ceases to amaze me the impact that focused, dedicated time with Christy & The Council has on all aspects of my life–from my business expanding, to my self-limiting beliefs and behaviors releasing, to a greater sense of peace and ease as I go throughout my day-to-day life. I could not recommend this program more to anyone who wants to let go of the things that hold them back–and expand into their highest potential. THANK YOU, CHRISTY AND THE COUNCIL!! : )”



“Christy Whitman is an amazing and inspiring coach. I had the pleasure of joining her Vice Freedom Program this January. Each day during the program we were given bite size pieces of teaching and a tool that we could use while working to eliminate a vice. The teachings were powerful and unlike anything else I had heard from other trainings. I was blown away by what I learned and immediately started seeing new patterns emerging that I could understand and process better. One of the best parts for me was the stories and examples Christy shared. A lot of these were recent and it helped me understand that our work is a process that is never fully completed, yet it does get easier to navigate as you practice. So many programs promise instant and lasting relief, what makes Christy so unique is that she prepares you for your future so that when life hands you lemons you can recognize them and make them into lemonade faster and easier!”


Christy Whitman is the channel for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success and loving and supportive relationships.

For over fifteen years, and before channeling The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch.

Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.


Christy Whitman is the channel for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success and loving and supportive relationships.

For over fifteen years, and before channeling The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch.

Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.

7-Day “Your Happiness Is Guaranteed” Promise

My Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee

I wholeheartedly believe that The 30-Day Vice Freedom Program will help you free yourself from the vices that are keeping you stuck and holding you back. But see for yourself – join me each day for the first 7 days, and if:

  • You don’t get clear on the vices that are standing in the way of your Having It All life
  • You don’t start feeling more in control of your life – and less at the mercy of your vices
  • You’re dissatisfied for any reason (even the way the course is designed)

… let me know, and I’ll happily refund 100% of your financial investment into the program – no questions asked.

7-Day “Your Happiness Is Guaranteed” Promise

My Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee

I wholeheartedly believe that The 30-Day Vice Freedom Program will help you free yourself from the vices that are keeping you stuck and holding you back. But see for yourself – join me each day for the first 7 days, and if:

  • You don’t get clear on the vices that are standing in the way of your Having It All life
  • You don’t start feeling more in control of your life – and less at the mercy of your vices
  • You’re dissatisfied for any reason (even the way the course is designed)

… let me know, and I’ll happily refund 100% of your financial investment into the program – no questions asked.

Souli Yates

“Today will be day 17 of my second venture into this extraordinary, expansive and love filled space. I am booking the next one too, this says it all. I love being a part of this group of like-minded souls all deeply focused on their personal growth. Christy’s beautiful sense of fun and warm personality always brings a smile to my face and I love celebrating with her as she sees the first person join, as I know we all do. The place I inhabit now is so far removed from when I started that I just want to keep on going. Her processes and meditations are wonderful, like coming home. I cannot recommend this highly enough, just do it, you owe it to yourself. Like a pebble dropped into a still pool, the ripples are far reaching!”

Mary Tudor

“It says quantum in the title and that is truly what I experience each day of this program – openings, insights, life changing shifts EVERY day – all delivered with love, compassion and wisdom. Deeply grateful that I valued myself enough to be part of this amazing group. Heartfelt thanks for creating this opportunity.”

Tara Lee England

Tara Lee England

“Christy Whitman is amazing ,she is such an authentic healer! Before working with her and the Council in the Vice Freedom Program I would often use food to numb my pain and discomfort. Reaching for sweets and emotionally eating whenever a bushwhack would arise .With the emotional clearing and many creative tools I have learned, I am now much more aware of this tendency and much better prepared to meet the bushwhacks I encounter with love and curiosity. I learned that stepping outside the drama triangle and into the circle of love, that is truly what life is about, makes all of the difference. The results have been both subtle and profound. Working with Christy & The Council is pure bliss!

With Extreme Gratitude.”



“Working with Christy & The Council on the vice freedom program taught me that all my thoughts and worries are simply energy and I am in complete control of the energy in my body . therefore no thoughts or worries can actually hurt me as they are simply energy and I can ask them to leave at any time. A massive breakthrough which has bought me genuine peace of mind. Kind Regards.”

Rachae Jensen

“This is a great way to make an investment in yourself. You are so worth it. I am thankful that I invested in me.”

Jean Kathryn Carlson

Jean Kathryn Carlson

“Before I started working with Christy & The Council I was stuck in a habit of feeling fatigued and distracted with streaming and playing video games on my phone. Now I recognize fatigue as a symptom that I’m feeling overwhelmed. Then, I turn to one of the many tools she taught us to shift my energy and choose an activity or task that supports my well being and abundance. I enjoyed the program two years in a row and each year I go deeper. What a great way to start the year and continue to expand and allow more brilliance into my life. Thank you, Christy.”

Fiona Gaskell

“Dear Christy,

I do thank you very deeply for all the insights you have given me through both the Vice Freedom and the 30 Day Quantum Success Programme. There have been so very many wise insights, and there has also been so much to learn from the many stories you have told about the happenings in your everyday life, with your friends, your husband and family including your children and the beautiful and gentle ways you have responded and guided in each situation with neither blame nor criticism, using the tools you have taught us, and from which we can all learn so much. It has been a very great learning opportunity.

I really appreciate the many tools we have been given, and the gift to be able to download each lesson, is priceless. I certainly, am one who finds it hard to fully benefit from wisdom I hear only once. For me I need to hear things many times, so that I have the opportunity to fully grasp the gift from the wisdom that is offered and then use in my daily life. I need practice, and from there, through these gifts I/we can all learn to help and support our fellow brothers and sisters on this beautiful planet that currently is in so much need of healing.

More deep thanks and blessings for all your wonderful work, the Council of Light, your team and your beautiful state of being that enables you to be the channel to bring down the gifts of healing and wisdom from the Council of Light.

Love, blessings and great appreciation.”

Rosemary Joan McDermott

Rosemary Joan McDermott

“Christy Whitman and her QSCA Coaching program had a profound effect on my life. My Heart and my head were brought together and moved through a series of enlightenments during those days of Certification as a Law of Attraction Life Coach. As I look back at my participation in her subsequent programs, I find the Vice Freedom series is incredibly practical as well as deeply healing. Our daily journey into authenticity is is revealed and centering through Vice Freedom.

I am looking forward to her expansion into the world of a higher dimension into the Spirit.”

Kashia M

Kashia M.

“Christy Whitman is one of the best spiritual leaders of our time, she is the real deal, you can feel the Love she intentionally transmits and if you let it, it will heal you.

Before I started working with Christy I was having problems sleeping through the night and felt horrible for having ruined the opportunity of a lifetime. I quit working on my Doctorate which had been a long term dream of mine to take a job in paradise. Weeks after uprooting my family and moving to the U.S. Virgin Islands I left a handsomely paid position to return to “nothing” in the U.S. I was in a place of pain and felt immobilized.

After I began working with her I let go of the shame, this at least got me moving. After I was no longer “stuck” I was able to gain back some trust in myself. I slept through the nights like a baby and healed tremendously. I gained the courage to seek her help and she delivered beyond what I could have imagined. Christy along with the Council helped me see my own Divinity and deservedness. Once my eyes were opened up the endless pit of needing to prove myself with degrees, titles and accomplishments vanished. In it’s place was so much


Rani Rangimoekau

“For those ‘thinking’ about joining – don’t hesitate – just do it – you were called here for a reason – trust that! I’m not sure exactly how Christy actually does it but she always touches your heart and soul – just at the ‘right’ time – it’s amazing how that happens in such Divine timing. You will be connected to an AMAZING group of wonderful people who will also be there to support you through the entire month. All I can say is that you will go to unbelievable amazing places that you never knew existed and YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN, the transformations are truly incredible … thank you Christy for once again putting something so incredibly amazing together – you are certainly one very blessed soul. xxx love forever xx”


“I went into the program knowing what vice I wanted to release: sugar. Sugar is my go-to. I love chocolate, cake, coca-cola… I eat something sweet when I’m sad. Or when I want to comfort myself and treat myself to something good. If I want to celebrate it has to taste sweet. And when I am tired I’ve got to get some coca-cola. Several times a day. Just to get some energy. The last two years have been stressful. As a result of al the soda I’ve been drinking to get some energy, I’ve gained weight. One day it was heavy walking up the stairs. Then I decided – this is enough! I need to let sugar go!

So I started the 7 day Vice Freedom Challenge – and WOW. To understand vices, why I have them and to know some processes to deal with them has been fantastic. Christy has a way to teach that makes it interesting. By sharing stories and personal experiences she really makes me understand what she is talking about. Her warmth and huge heart shine thru which creates a friendly atmosphere in the group. I love her meditations. And when she brings in the Council of Light I know I’m in for an amazing experience.

On the second day of the program, I was longing for water instead of coca-cola. And I don’t even like drinking water. When I, without thinking of it, started to eat some chocolate it was too sweet and didn’t taste good. I don’t get any sugar cravings in the evenings anymore. I’ve also remembered one event that made my sweet tooth go from liking sugar to sugar addiction. This is after one week – what will happen after a month of the Vice Freedom Program?

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This will change my life.”

Marla Pennington


“I learned so much in the QSCA! First, Nada Howarth, Christy’s evening class teacher, is AMAZING! Her classes were beautiful and informative, and her meditations were very healing. I began successfully incorporating the coaching processes into the real estate classes I teach. A little over half-way in the class, I began having thoughts of a business that helps women in their third act (the last three decades of their lives) to make this their best act yet. The feeling was to do this via a resource/affiliate website and through coaching offered through the site. I recorded these intuitive feelings and thoughts in my journal. I had no idea how I was going to go about this. I’m 65 myself–and was scared to begin an entirely new business. That would take a huge amount of energy! (Plus I have a full-time day job!) But I did it anyway… Today I have a business coach (Katana Abbott, one of my favorite podcasters that I scripted I would meet!–and someone Christy knows!), a fantastic website designer, a brand and a logo–and I am beginning my blogs, meeting with potential affiliates, and learning how to record kick-ass YouTube videos! My goal is to launch in three months. My website will be called, so please watch for it! I do not believe I EVER would have had this idea if it were not for Christy’s class. You just never know where the QSCA will lead! Thank you, Christy and Nada, for an amazing year, and for my own personal growth in my Third Act! I am so blessed to have known you!”

Pamela Sheehan

“I just want you to know how much I enjoyed Christy and the Council during the Vice Freedom Program. They exceeded my expectations. When I started the program I was concerned that I drank too much. After one day on the program, I realized that I was using wine to fill a part of myself that was feeling unloved and unsupported. When I let in the light and energy, it was easy to give up my vice and I never felt the urge. I realized how important it was to show myself compassion and kindness. I think everyone would benefit from this program because we all have hurts that we bury, feeling unworthy. Let the light energy in and know you are lovable just because you exist. Thank you for your beautiful program.”

Maria Gallagher-Ballester

Maria Gallagher-Ballester

“I found Christy in 2009 and my life has never been the same. I completed the QSCA that year. My goal was to learn how to use the LOA processes to create a business that would incorporate my nursing degree. I never missed a class; I worked fulltime as Director of Nursing in a long term care facility and took the classes at night. I began using the processes Christy was teaching and doing the meditations. I began journaling and fast foward a few years; I left the snow for sunny days; I own a successful Clinical Research Site, I have a beautiful office with a spectacular view, I’m madly in love with my husband/best friend, and my kids turned out amazing. By using the processes ( journaling before and after meditation with intention is my favorite) I stopped living in fear and anxiety that was not allowing me to achieve my goals.
Christy is amazing in her delivery of Law of Attraction Teachings. She has a real everyday spin on LOA that offers techniques for our daily lives. Now 21 years later I have new goals and Christy introduces us to the Council. Oh yesssss!!!! The Council takes us where few Humans have gone. The Council explains the truths with such clear delivery for all to understand. The meditations that the Council takes us thru are powerful and leave you feeling Superhuman. I just completed the Vice Freedom Program for the second time( it was amazing !) The Divine Codes and Divination meditations were awesome. By opening my Faith portal The Council helped me release blocks of worry that were holding me back from Joy. I now feel in Joy more often than ever. I recently signed up for the Vice Freedom Extension with the Council and the Playing with Light meditations for February (I can’t get enough of the Council). I love The Quantum Energy Mastery Membership Site that stores the recordings of the programs, events & meditations taken with Christy & The Council for easy access at any time. That is priceless; there is an incredible amount of information and meditations. I’m excited every day to see where the Council will take us next. Christy, thank you for opening up so much of yourself to us, you truly are an amazing human. I love you girl.”

Rose de Vere Hunt

Rose de Vere Hunt

“Joining the Vice Freedom meditations in January set my year off to a great start. I really looked forward to the session each day and could feel my energy and mindset shifting. As I released my vices, I also released excess weight. I love the Quantum Success Meditations (which I continue to do daily), as they help me to release any stress or negativity acquired during the day and allow me to fill up on my daily dose of divine light and joyous abundance.”

Karen Diehl

Karen Diehl

“I am a 71-year-old woman who was diagnosed with several serious, life-threatening diseases over the years. When it became glaringly obvious that traditional medical interventions offered me no hope of improving my overall health, in early 2019 I committed to healing my body energetically using the Laws of the Universe. However, it wasn’t until I was led to the work of Christy Whitman and the Council of Light in May 2021 that I began to experience physical evidence that I was making progress toward achieving my goal of the full restoration of my Divine Health.

I have taken advantage of virtually every program Christy offers:

  • 2 Four-Hour Healing Events
  • Quantum Energy Mastery
  • Sacred Circle of Light
  • Vice Freedom Program
  • Freedom From Co-dependency
  • Monthly Quantum Shifts
  • and nine months of the 30-Day Meditation Series

In other words, I have faithfully done my part of the healing work while my Divine Partner (The Council) has more than done their share of the work as well.

To date I’ve experienced these clear signs of what I call *EVIDENCE* that every bit of my commitment has yielded tremendous gains:

  • Reduction in well over 50% of the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs;
  • Eliminated the need for the 24-hours a day/7-days a week supplemental oxygen that I had been using for over 22 months;
  • Eliminated the need to use the walker that I had relied on to walk farther than ten feet unaided over the past 18 months;
  • Experienced deep emotional healings from traumatic memories and spiritual imprints of long, long-standing too numerous to list in detail,
  • Manifested financial gain to the point where we are now completely debt-free;
  • And, just as importantly, strengthened, deepened, and expanded the emotional relationship I have with my beloved husband of over 50-years.

In other words, thanks to the teachings of Christy and The Council, my entire life has shifted 180 degrees! I AM filled to overflowing with joy because of the Divine ENERGY, LIGHT, and LOVE that infills and surrounds me.

I AM deeply satisfied, filled with joyful expectancy, and eagerly anticipating whatever Surprises and deLIGHTS await me as I move forward with Christy and The Council into my future Self.”

Brenda Rivas

Brenda Rivas

“Christy Whitman is a highly skilled, compassionate soul who leads by example.

Before I started working with Christy I was disconnected from myself, suffering from a chronic illness and feeling like a total victim. I wanted to feel like a creator again, and yet, I couldn’t find the way back to myself.

When I heard about The Vice Freedom and the 30 day Meditations Program, I knew I had to be a part of these experiences.

I immediately started to connect back to myself and reclaim my creative power. The victim in me was rearing her head and making herself loud. Christy helped see why this part of me was showing up so loudly and how to heal that space within myself.

The journeys with Christy and The Council of Light, were extra special and beyond powerful. I especially enjoyed their teaching around energy mastery.

I now feel more capable of creating my future and coming from a place of empowerment vs. victimhood. I’ve realized that I am the one who creates the events in my life, they just “don’t happen”. Both of these programs have left me with a really powerful skill set that I will continue to practice so I can become a powerful creator just like Christy!”

Sharon Miltiadou

“Before I started working with Christy, I frequently felt anxious with a tendency towards
overwhelm. During my work with Christy, however, I felt and witnessed life-changing shifts in my ability to positively master and direct my energy. I now mostly feel focused, calm and
centered despite any bushwhacks that come my way and have found that I am so much more adept at staying out of drama situations. These shifts have amplified the flow and joy I am experiencing in my life and I feel so very grateful for the opportunity to work with Christy!”

Dawn Cooper

“I’m so grateful for this past month with you guys. I was betrayed in such a deep way and I really think it happened so I would connect with my divine and stop relying on receiving love from outside of myself. This is a huge lesson on self-love. I was relying on giving and helping people to boost my self-esteem. I have been for my entire life. I didn’t realize how important that was to me until this person betrayed me and cut off the “friendship “. I think I was addicted to helping him. It felt so good. I know now, that I need to get that feeling from inside and let go of the doubts that I’m not doing enough. What a huge awareness. Everything starts with awareness. I’m committed to connecting every day to my divine and practicing self-love. That continues to be my focus. My word for this month was connection.

Thank you so much to Christy and The Council for guiding me here. I am so grateful.”

Theresa Tomasini

“Today will be day 17 of my second venture into this extraordinary, expansive and love filled space. I am booking the next one too, this says it all. I love being a part of this group of like-minded souls all deeply focused on their personal growth. Christy’s beautiful sense of fun and warm personality always brings a smile to my face and I love celebrating with her as she sees the first person join, as I know we all do. The place I inhabit now is so far removed from when I started that I just want to keep on going. Her processes and meditations are wonderful, like coming home. I cannot recommend this highly enough, just do it, you owe it to yourself. Like a pebble dropped into a still pool, the ripples are far reaching.


Barbara Banks

“Christy and Council of Light,

Thank you so much for the Vice Freedom Program. I can feel a big shift in myself , especially over this last week. I am so much more aware of my feelings, actions, reactions and triggers. Having the different tools to pull from my tool belt is a gift and a blessing. I worry less and have reduced the feelings of overwhelm. I will catch myself in “what if” conversations in my head quicker and cut them off before they take on a life of their own. I judge myself less harshly and will flip to that perspective of “witnessing with curiosity”. I find myself better able to see beyond the illusion of what I perceive to be true to asking what is the TRUTH of the matter, and then line up with my Divine Self.”

Robin Ruocco Poling

Robin Ruocco Poling

“Going through the training program at QSCA opened my mind and heart to understand more clearly who I am and how I can serve others to know the same. Life is a miracle and we have been given the gift of choice. We can experience heaven on earth; peace, joy, affluence, love, for that is our true nature.

I am immensely grateful for the teachings I received at QSCA for it gave me a toolkit to share. As we all come to know our true selves as love, heaven becomes manifest.”

Pamela Noell

“This may sound silly, but I’ve found myself smiling for no reason and actually laughing out loud. All by myself. I haven’t done either in years. So something big is changing. Maybe slower than I might like, but it’s moving.”

Bette Wilder

Bette Wilder

“I am deeply grateful for learning the tools in releasing the vice. I am able to immediately shift to a better feeling place in a consistent manner. That is a “Wow” every time after the vice release. I also apply the energy work to release the block. Thank you and I appreciate you, Christy Whitman and the Council of Light. You are so awesome Master Teacher, Energy Healer, and Coach!! You have a magical touch and glow for everything!! Thanks, again!!”


“Everything is energy. Change the energy and the physical must follow.” That’s what Christy and The Council teach and it’s true. While I had begun working with energy to heal spinal injuries from an assault two decades earlier and was having good results, it was through Christy and the Council that my healing catapulted beyond what I had imagined, defying the limits of what medical science says is possible. Within six weeks of beginning the program, the punched in vertebrae in my low back had found its way back into alignment, the curvature in my mid back had corrected itself to the point that my doctor could no longer see it and the three compressed vertebrae in my neck that were never supposed to move again had actually moved back into proper alignment. There is still work to do, but suffice it to say that my doctor is in awe. As for me, I’m optimistic about the future and eternally grateful to Christy and The Council for helping me reclaim my life.”

Terri Heiman

Terri Heiman

“On January 1, I promised myself that I would shift my energy and strengthen my mindset. It had been a hard year, emotionally and even spiritually for me. There were so many people suffering in the world, but I knew I had to rise above if I was to be effective in my work. Showing up every day with Christy and the Council really helped me to let go of the limiting beliefs I had been picking up. Her work helped me to create a strong sense of presence, allowing me to show up for my students in this manner. I was able to confirm my Spirit by joining in each day to her teachings. What an amazing dedication Christy has to her students and her work.”

Monica Sheehan

“I first met Christy at Omega in October of 2019. I didn’t realize when I signed up for the workshop how profound the experience would be. I was introduced to the wisdom of the Council. Also, since that experience I do not have the sinus issues I used to have. Learning about the Drama Triangle has made me aware of how to avoid it. As a result, my life is more peaceful. Inspired by Christy, I signed up for the Vice Freedom Program and learned valuable tools to navigate life. Christy shares her stories to shift energy. My life has been enriched by connecting with Christy. Thank you.”

Matilde Matthison

“I started on the vice freedom program without actually having a vice in mind. But immediately after I felt peace and a sense of bliss. It was like it took all the blame, shame and complaints out of me and replaced it with peace. I learned that it was actually possible to be in this peace for a long time. I can highly recommend this program because it is full of good information, tools and healing. Thank you Christy & The Council.

Love and light.”

Barbara Hemmans

“The courses that I have taken have helped me develop a deeper ownership of my ability to create the way I want to. I have worked with creating with energy first for many years and now have deepened my empowerment . I own and manage property and I am working on my second renovation of these properties, while I have been taking courses with Christy and the Council .

All steps of these projects have been clearly thought out, visualized, set with intentions, worked on an energy level and financed by me. With new knowledge from these courses I am much more empowered, confident and trusting of the process and calm as the contrasts show up. It is freeing to feel much more expansive and trusting of myself.

I have deep, heartfelt gratitude for the new knowledge that I have learned from Christy and the Council.”

Alla K.

“Christy Whitman is an inspirational leader, great teacher and an amazing healer.

Before I started working with Christy in the Vice Freedom Program last year, I experienced quick anger, frustration and anxiety; the behaviors that at times were creating undesirable results for me. I knew that I needed to get a dominion over these feelings. While working with Christy, I started noticing the positive results from my active participation in the program. I became less reactive and more cognizant of the triggers, learning to be in control of my feelings and thoughts.

My overall experience of working with Christy was one of a kind, and I was happy to partake in this year Vice Freedom Program as well, working on my eating habits. In the last month or so I was able to release a few extra pounds.

Throughout 2018 I participated in various programs that were facilitated by Christy, and each program was extraordinary and exciting.

I know that my life was enriched and I healed issues that were impeding my daily life. “

Rhonda Richard

Rhonda Richard

“Christy Whitman is a genuine amazing healer. I’m honored to learn from her and have transformed from having a traumatic past that kept me struggling with anxiety and depression into a healed and peaceful happy life.

Before I started working with Christy, I was stuck living in a place of fear and feeling like a victim to my circumstances. I was anxious and struggling with toxic relationships that drained the life out of me. I felt overwhelmed with stress and was constantly taking on other people’s energy and didn’t even know that I was doing that. I felt run down and had chronic sinus infections and was constantly tired.

After working with her, I now know who I am and I have learned how to recognize and release ownership of other people’s problems back to them. I have learned to drop the stress and drama and live in peace and harmony. I appreciate and value boundaries in my life and clarity in communication. I have loving healthy relationships. I value and honor myself and embrace my spiritual gifts. I have learned how to be the master of my energy and to stay neutral in conflicts. I understand my energetic boundaries and have released and healed “mountains” of stuck energy.

My life is so amazing now. I feel so light and so free. I am extremely grateful for this magnificent well thought out program with useful tools and strategies that empower me to handle life confidently. I love knowing that I am not a victim. I have choices and I have the tools to stay out of the drama triangle and can choose to live in the circle of love. This has transformed my life in amazing ways and I am forever grateful to Christy Whitman for her important part in my journey of healing.”

Christine Walker

“I am now on my second month of the 30 Days of Quantum Success and I am getting so much out of it, I will continue to join as long as Christy offers this group. To start every morning raising my vibration, and listening to Christy’s meditation or processes, is such a wonderful way to start the day. It helps to keep my vibration high throughout the day and I listen to the replay several times throughout the day, which I really love. In December, I just had the intuitive hit to join the group, and since then I have seen an increase in my business, peace and calmness throughout the holidays, which I really needed, and increase in my self-confidence, something that has been my goal going into the new year. I look forward to each and every morning, and if I ever have a question, Christy has been great about taking the time to clarify and answer. I also love the group energy, this has been well worth my investment. Thank you Christy!”

Ginger Turner

“I had a difficult time picking just one vice, but I finally decided that the one that was causing me the most grief was an addiction to drama (I chose that on day 7, before we learned about the drama triangle!)

I’ve been enjoying using the different tools to help release bushwhacking…so, so helpful!!

And while it’s difficult to quantify how much drama I have a day 😉 I can say with certainty that I’ve been able to stop myself from reacting dramatically with consistency. And if I do go for a bit of the dramatic, I’m at least able to stop it much faster than I‘ve ever been able to before in my life.

I’d spent a lot of time wondering how to…take a beat before reacting, and with the tools like drinking water, and especially the…key release and spiraling up took we learned recently, I’ve been significantly more successful at stopping myself from having unnecessary arguments with myself. I’m able to more quickly identify when I’m choosing to play the victim, when I’m choosing to play the persecutor, and when others are playing either so that I can identify if I want to play the rescuer…if not always, I’m at least becoming much more aware of the fact that I’ve been quite successful at playing those roles, and I completely have a choice now of if I want to continue doing so or not 🙂

Thank you for everything!”

Jane Walters

Jane Walters

“My experience was life-changing. I am not the same person. I love my life and I know without a doubt that I’m the one creating it. I’m full of trust and faith for my future.

I’ve released behaviours that were causing my suffering. I’ve let go of vices that were keeping the behaviours in place.

I’m more loving, patient, understanding, compassionate, present with myself and others.
The vice freedom extension gave me the tools to develop positive habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a deep sense of connection to who I am. I have clarity on why I’m here. I now have the confidence and options to do what makes me happy.

Thanks to Christy and The Council my relationship with myself is loving and so is my relationship with everyone around me.

I look forward to working with Christy and The Council next year, I’ve already said YES to myself, to go on another experience with Christy.”


“I participated in Vice Freedom Challenge. My vice has been to get rid of criticism. I know that criticism is a big topic because it can manifest via different ways. However, I have noticed a huge shift in my experience. Even though I have not so far fully stopped the criticism in all its forms, I do it much less often. I am now aware of it and I can stop myself from doing it when I catch myself. Another win is that during the second Q&A call with Council I was able to release a pain in my back which I had had for years. I am so grateful for that. Really thank you so much for everything. Many blessings!”

Kathleen Busby

“I’m beyond thankful our paths have crossed. As I continue to learn about my source to light energy mastery. I feel I’m growing in light energy as my source. I have felt myself shift from judging others and myself to going to the light learning to lean on my source, The Divine. Other area’s in my life have shifted and are in the process of shifting. I have learned to be easy on myself so not to judge myself when I catch myself in the middle of something that needs to be shifted. So to stay in alignment, I can identify with my source what needs to shift, sometimes it takes baby steps to get there. I just remind myself to go slow and I will get there, then I take a breath and calm flows over and through me. I do appreciate all you do, Christy and The Council for being there for me and others.

Thank you again, Christy and The Council”

Chris Parramore

“I want to thank Christy and the Council of Light for the amazing Vice Freedom Program I just went through. I am so grateful for all the help, clarity, and healing I received. I knew I had emotional baggage, but just didn’t realize how much it was weighing me down. I feel so much more free and lighter. My vices we not really outer, but inner, because I have always kept my feelings bottled up on the inside. One thing I really worked on was releasing and letting go of things from the past. I had avoidance issues with anything that seemed hard, including facing past difficulties. I discovered imprints from my childhood that I didn’t realize I had and was able to let go of those things.

I lost my 18 yr. old daughter in an accident 22 years ago, and I had closed off a part of my heart to love. I feel like I have finally opened back up. I recently lost my 36 year old son, 5 months ago, and was going through a lot of emotional heartache with that as well. There were many emotions with these two things that I needed to work through. Through the processes of releasing energy and the healings, I feel so much peace and freedom. I feel like my heart is open again.

I also went through the Divination Meditations with Christy and the Council in December, and that was a life changing experience as well. I began to feel divinely connected and learned to love myself again. That experience ultimately led to my joining the Vice Freedom Program in January. I wanted to heal and felt I deserved it. I am now ready to step into a new season of my life with the expectation of all things good. I truly appreciate the help of Christy and the Council in getting to this place!”

Annea Forsström

“Taking part in the Vice Freedom Program with Christy and the Council was a gift for me. To have the privilege day by day for 30 days to be led through the resistance in myself, for example, I learned to retrieve compassion so I can forgive.

The results are I am happier, more focused, more creative, more energy, more love and light.

Thank you Christy You are a shining star, and together with Council, everything feels amazing.

With love.”

Debbie Woodruff

“The Vice Freedom program was the best money I’ve spent! I enrolled to get rid of my vice of drinking alcohol as I wanted to become healthier, set a good example for my kids, and stop my nightly drinking habit. I had tried to stop drinking last year and had made it about 60 days then started back again. When I joined the Vice Freedom program in January, it felt like the desire for alcohol was just gone! I believe the energy work with the council really helped. I am not 100% out of the woods yet as I still have occasional cravings. The good thing is that I can go back through the videos to reinforce the information I learned and remind myself that I need to get realigned with myself for the urges to go away again. I would highly recommend this program!”

Linda Johnson

“I just want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for the Vice Freedom course and frankly all of the courses and programs I’ve done thus far. The Quantum Energy Mastery was amazing last year. I also have thoroughly enjoyed the seminar on self-love and I’ve got to listen to the one on codependence but I’m sure that will be equally as good. The website is so easy to navigate everyone is very helpful, fun, real, and efficient and it truly does feel like we’re all in this together.

I’m deeply grateful to Kim and Beth and Christy. Please forgive me if I’ve forgotten anyone.

I hate jumping through hoops trying to enjoy a program that you’ve paid for and you can’t wait to be part of and if it’s a challenge to navigate it really does make a big difference and every single thing I’ve taken or been part of has been extremely well presented and again I’m deeply grateful.

Please feel free to share with great enthusiasm. Much love.”


“The best word to describe the Vice Freedom Program is… WOW. I loved every day! Christy Whitman has made an amazing program that changes lives.

I joined the Vice Freedom Program when I was in an extremely stressful time in my life and had been for almost a year. I was stressed, exhausted, sleep deprived, worried, angry and frustrated. The only thing that kept me going was sugar – but I wanted to get rid of my sugar addiction.

During the program, I realized I focused on the wrong Vice. I have a feeling I am not enough. I expect to handle everything by myself and push myself far too hard. Something sweet keeps me going when I am too tired to continue. Today I have started doing the Vice Freedom Program again by myself, but this time I focus on my feeling of not being enough. With realistic expectations on myself, I will not fall into the trap of sweets.

Today, two months after I finished the program the first time, I have changed. My life situation has improved dramatically. I handle it differently and my frustration and anger are releasing. Today we have found a solution I believe in. This would not have happened if I had not done this work.

Christy, I just have to say: Thank You!”

Beth Duval

“Christy’s classes are packed full of information. They are so much more than I could ever imagine. Everything is so well organized & professional. Christy presents the material in an easy to understand way and offers amazing support with her classes. Christy always goes the extra mile. Her generosity is greatly appreciated and a wonderful example for us all. She calls us her family & truly makes you feel that way. Christy has facilitated positive growth and change in my life and has opened the door for many new opportunities. I feel empowered, inspired, and enthusiastic about my life. Thank you Christy.”

Anne Kirkwood

Anne Kirkwood

“The Vice Freedom Program went above and beyond my expectations. I cannot recommend it highly enough! It was an incredibly transformative month in my life. Not only was I learning tools and techniques every day that helped incredibly in my daily life including and beyond releasing a vice, I found it incredibly uplifting to be hearing metaphysical concepts on a daily basis and also meditating daily. Christy makes it fun and interesting to attend, it was awesome spending time with her daily.

Christy and The Council were incredibly supportive and have helped me to release some vices that really needed to be released. While I focused on one specifically, stress eating, I can see it wasn’t the only vice I have released during the program. We learnt about the Universal Laws, the drama triangle and bushwacks which were all so interesting and incredibly helpful. What she taught us made a lot of sense.

Not long after the program finished I had a huge bushwack and instead of blaming myself, going into victim and acting how I had in the past when hurtful things like this have happened, I was able to process it much faster and react in a way that was expansive and not contractive. I was able to step back and look at the bigger picture and instead of blaming (either myself or others) and closing myself off, I decided to open myself up even further to better things. This has stopped me from becoming bitter and guarded and who knows what else that would have caused me a lot of grief down the line. Friends have noticed the difference in me and were amazed at how well I have dealt with this bushwack and the perspective I have on it. I’m choosing to focus on what benefits have come out of this rather than what has been lost.

As a result of doing this program, I have rediscovered my inner sense of calm, I’m excited about life again and I am able to deal with things that come up, because, hey, life happens! I recognise much faster when I am going into the drama triangle and am coming out of it much faster than I ever have. I feel like my life is flowing much better and I now carry around a deeper sense of inner peace as a result.

I highly recommend this (or any of Christy’s programs) if you are considering taking it. It’s so much more than about releasing a vice, and it will change your life for the better!”


“I have been following you for many years, and your insights have been very helpful in my journey. When I first heard the Council I felt a deep connection and had the desire to work with you. I listened to your program on the Laws and was impressed by your ability to succinctly explain the laws and other material. When you offered the class to work with my vices and the relationship triangle, it seemed as if this might not be the best class for me to take. This is because I am a therapist and an energy person, and I teach this to others. I have been working on these issues within myself for many years, and I quit smoking and other vices.

I listened to the first days of the class and learned I couldn’t have been more wrong. When I decided to take this class was when you spoke about vices as being internal, also.

There are several things in my life that I wanted to change and found it difficult to pick just one. What resonated first was to create abundance in my life. I know that I have fear and negative self-talk with this. This transitioned into an abundance of …….. Love, money, positive health, and safety. It ultimately became safe. I quickly realized that feeling safe has eluded me since my childhood. I had several experiences through my life trauma, loss, being bushwhacked, depression and major anxiety, feeling ashamed; I was in the triangle.

I listened to the classes, but unfortunately I work part-time and wasn’t able to listen every day. I listen to ones live when I can and the others afterward. I continue to fill myself with the affirmations, the words, the direction, and the love that is conveyed from the Council. I have been directed to work on the difficult events as they arise in me. I have noticed that I have been able to let go of many difficult emotions and thoughts and make changes in how I perceive my life. However, the other night when I worked on a time when I felt the most alone, separated, abandoned, and had serious negative self-judgment, I suddenly felt safe. My body relaxed, my mind stopped running thoughts through my mind, and I was flooded with love. I felt safe and loved.
I could list all the things that I have learned with each session and changes from each, but there aren’t enough days to do this. Plus, I learn something new each time I re-listen to a class, so I change daily. It is with the deepest gratitude and love that I feel for you coming into my life. I am becoming a new person every time I listen to a class and practice the tools and learn more about myself. Thank you.”

Amy Sillers

“My revelation this month while focusing on procrastination is that it’s really my relationship with TIME that’s the problem I need to work on. Even more than money, I believe that time is limited, and I will run out of it. That leads to me thinking too much, worrying, putting important things off, choosing the easiest fastest thing first, and not accomplishing my heart’s desires. By the way, my feeling essence for this year is Accomplished and I am blaming my not feeling accomplished yet, in part, on my tendency to procrastinate.

“Time is a false limit”. Those exact words were downloaded to me in 2016, and it’s taken me all this time (haha), and your training, to really come to terms with what it means and how much my belief in limited time has truly limited me. Now I have real tools to use on that relationship, thanks to your teaching. So, I have decided that a better perspective of the matter is that I will remove myself from the drama triangle with Time. That’s a more empowered approach to me than fighting a life-long habit of procrastinating. I have been acting as though Time is in control of what I can and cannot accomplish. But the truth is, I am not a victim of Time! Time can’t control my actions or what I choose to accomplish. It is an unlimited resource and I have all the resources I need to accomplish everything I want to. So, I am removing Time from the Persecutor and Rescuer roles in the triangle and placing it back into my life as a trusted and supportive friend. That feels good! And I have been accomplishing more and worrying less since I’ve changed my approach.

There is so much more, Christy. I can’t put into this little email how your classes have changed me and my life. I appreciate you so much and admire you, and I’m so grateful that you’ve become everything you are and that you offer so much to us. I love hearing from you and the Council every day, giving us messages of love, joy and freedom. They always feel like they are directly for me. I am remembering to worry less, keep my faith portal open, to consciously connect to Divine more often and to be in the allowing mode. My life feels and looks completely different, in just the 3 years I’ve been in your community. I thank you more than words can express!

Much Love and Light,”

Kashia Morse

Kashia Morse

“Working with Christy and now the Council never ceases to amaze me!

I have done QSCA, multiple Vice Freedoms and Quantum Energy Mastery- and yet I learn and evolve each and every time I meditate with her!

It could be the 7 essential laws I’ve heard at least 300 times by now… but each time I peel back another layer of understanding and see signs of new growth.

This platform she provides is worth its weight in platinum!!”

Jan Sinclair

Jan Sinclair

“When things are meant to be everything comes together. Noticing or hearing things 3 times in close proximity, I’ve learned to take notice!

  1. I was told at an airport in Dubai after a random conversation that I should become a coach. ‘You really should become a coach my dear’!
  2. A few days later, an email dropped into my box – Have you ever thought of being a coach? – note from Christy Whitman.
  3. I checked my credit card and there was enough to fund.

That was 2015 and that course reset me to where I am today. I’ve never looked back. I had left a marriage after 28 years. I was making a new start. I completed and graduated from Quantum Success even though the class time was 1:00am U.K. time (I didn’t read the fine print), regardless of that I never missed a session.
The course is a complete package because it covers all aspects, plus it gave me enough practicing hours to build confidence in my own ability and style.

I’ve taken the time to apply all aspects to my life before I went out and started coaching, that is my style. 5 years later I am taking the opportunity to leave my corporate job and I will build out further my coaching practice.

I spent most of my spare time during the last year coaching over the weekends and evenings. Most of my clients come via recommendations, I haven’t actively done any marketed myself as yet, so imagine the potential. I’ve just completed my first mini book and look to move to the last stage of getting it printed (gulp).

I really didn’t understand the LOA principles, I have learned to apply these completely to my life plus my faith in GOD and the universe has trebled. I know that truly everything does work out for me. Synchronistic conversations, meetings, joining of networks has given me more confidence in my now and my future. The journey began with this course and it continues. This year is going to be massive for me. Every day in every way my life gets better and better. Ask, believe receive. Do things in your own time but do it.
Super excited about what’s to come.”


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Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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